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Best Poems Written by Aysha Nuwas

Below are the all-time best Aysha Nuwas poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Blue Skies Over Sunflowers

In eastern lands, where once did roam
The winds of peace, and fields of home
Now echoes sound of bombs and gun
As war in Ukraine, is far from done

The sky once blue, now turned to gray
With smoke and dust, that won't away
And children's laughter, now replaced
By cries of pain, in this historic place

With each new day, new battles fought
As brothers clash, with brothers sought
And homes once filled, with love and grace
Now lie in ruins, in this darkened space

Oh, how we long, for peace to reign
And end this war, this endless pain
Let hearts unite, in hope and prayer
For Ukraine, for peace, and love to share.

Copyright © Aysha Nuwas | Year Posted 2023

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Summer Fields Nursery Rhyme

On summer days, in fields so green
Lived rabbits and cats, a sight to be seen
The rabbits hopped and played all day
While the cats watched from far away

The rabbits would munch on carrots so sweet
While the cats would wait for a chance to eat
But the rabbits were quick and never stayed still
So the cats had to hunt with all their skill

One day a rabbit saw a cat in the grass
And ran so fast, its scared little ass
But the cat was quick and pounced with a hiss
But the rabbit got away, just like this

So the cats and rabbits continued to play
In the fields of summer day by day
And though they were different, they played and dined
In their world of sunshine and endless time.

Nursery Rhyme
Feb 25, 2023

Copyright © Aysha Nuwas | Year Posted 2023

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Crimes against humanity

In a land torn by evils cruel hands
where innocence once thrived in golden sand
echoes now haunt barren torched lands
of children lost, tears fall in graves of pain

Fourteen thousand souls, too young to know
caught in the crossfire, victims oppressed
their laughter silenced as dreams cut short
in a horror of genocide where all limbs bleed

Babies cradled in arms, so tender and small
now lie cold and lifeless, victims silent in white shawls
their tiny hearts, once filled with hope's embrace
now silenced forever in a merciless disgrace

The army's march such  ruthless crimes
leaving devastation in its tide
families torn apart by Israels cruel wand
as they mourn the loss of those they held fond

Oh, may their memory be a solemn vow
strive for peace and harmony, lets end sorrow forever now
for in the wake of such unfathomable hate
lies a plea for humanity to erase this state

Copyright © Aysha Nuwas | Year Posted 2024

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Gaza Vs Gaza From the Air

One has vision 
the masses see 
the other in his armchair no phd
he could use some glasses
no one cares about the ostrich
head in desert sands

attacks is

the repetition
of history

attacks is

the depletion
of humanity

attacks is

despicable crimes

attacks is

torrents of evil
pretending to shine

attacks is

The end
of time

Copyright © Aysha Nuwas | Year Posted 2023

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In shadows cast by tender years,
A sad childhood's tale appears,
A heart that once knew innocence,
Now haunted by its recompense.

The echoes of laughter once filled the air,
Now replaced by a silence, heavy and rare,
A family's embrace turned cold and distant,
Leaving a wounded soul, frail and nonexistent.

A canvas painted with memories bittersweet,
Innocence shattered, a loss so complete,
The bonds that should've held strong and tight,
Now fractured, scattered, lost in the night.

Discarded, like remnants of a forgotten dream,
In the sea of abandonment, adrift it seems,
But within these scars, a strength takes root,
A spirit resilient, though pain's pursuit.

For broken wings still yearn to fly,
Through stormy nights and tear-streaked sky,
A heartache's fire fuels a will to mend,
To find solace in wounds that time will tend.

Though family's love may have gone awry,
A broken childhood won't define the sky,
With every sunrise, a chance to renew,
To heal, to grow, to build life anew.

Remember, dear soul, you're not alone,
In your journey to heal, to find a home,
For in the brokenness, you'll find your worth,
And rise from the ashes, a phoenix rebirthed.

Copyright © Aysha Nuwas | Year Posted 2023

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Intelligence unveiled

In a world of wires, cables and geeks,
a woman sauntered, looking quite unique
with circuits of wit and bytes of charm
mistaken for Ai
what a cause for alarm!

I was the lady, I had to laugh
sure I am smart and intelligent too
a computer I am not, as I sit on the loo
I still need to eat, sleep and also....
poo poo

In a world of silicon, I have plenty to show
so its not my brains that dazzle and glow 
my logics expansive, your hard disks they pale
I am not a machine, but intellect unveiled
I'm a blonde, you see, now what's your tale?

Copyright © Aysha Nuwas | Year Posted 2024

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Moonlit Journey of Love

Amidst the calmness of a starlit night,
Two lovers begin a journey in their boat,
Their bond grows stronger with each gentle stroke,
As they sail through the water's peaceful light.

The moon up high, a beacon of their love,
Reflects upon the waves that gently sway,
As they draw closer to each other's embrace,
And share a moment so pure, thereof.

Their craft becomes a haven from the world,
Where they can be free to express their hearts,
And cherish every moment they've unfurled,
As the stars above bear witness to their parts.

This scene of love that's painted with such grace,
Is truly worthy of an artist's trace.

Copyright © Aysha Nuwas | Year Posted 2023

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Always and Forever

My dearest love, my heart is yours
And all the beauty nature stores
You see the world with childlike glee
Like a rabbit in clover fields, carefree

With grace and majesty, you ride
A horse as beautiful as the countryside
Your love for them is pure and true
And I'm in awe of all you do

In your eyes, I see the stars
Shining brightly from afar
You light up my world with your smile
And make everything seem worthwhile

I promise to love you with all my heart
And cherish you until the end of time
You are my everything, my shining star
And I'll love you always, no matter where you are.

Copyright © Aysha Nuwas | Year Posted 2023

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In Oland, where the wind meets the sea,
A love story once began for you and me.
We walked along the shore hand in hand,
Promised to love each other, never to disband.

Old fate had a different plan heretofore,
As you were called to heaven's door.
My heart shattered into a million pieces,
As I struggled to accept life's unpredictable creases.

The memories of our love still linger on,
The sound of your laughter, warmth and charm.
I close my eyes and see you in my dreams,
Hoping that you hear my silent screams.

The island of Oland where our love bloomed,
Now seems empty, dark and doomed.
Sadly I know that you're watching over me,
A guiding light, a star in the endless sea.

In the stillness of the night, I talk to you,
Whispering sweet nothings, hoping you'll hear them too.
For love knows no boundaries, timeless as the sky
In my heart, my tears will cry, why oh lord, why oh why

So here's to the love we once shared,
A memory that will never be impaired.
In Oland, where the wind meets the sea,
I'll love you now and for eternity.

Copyright © Aysha Nuwas | Year Posted 2023

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Am I Pretty

Frolicking, under celestial kisses
younger ones unafraid
silent is life's eloquent, nuanced tableau
our nocturnal Eros

Am I pretty
or just a warm embrace?

Cleverly, he eluded all the eternal rules
Ojawe the spirit, sees all

Copyright © Aysha Nuwas | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs