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Best Poems Written by Joe Inka

Below are the all-time best Joe Inka poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Cold War

I am winter's nemesis.I fight it tooth and nail.
In my youth it declared a war on me.
When I licked that icy rail.
Winter has many weapons to choose from.
Fear not for so do I.
A call my shovel Excali-burrr
My Ranger has four wheel drive
But winter's arsenal is no laughing matter
Icicles sent to impale, and black ice is its deadly device
But the human spirit is not that frail

I am winter's nemesis, and though it muffles all sound
This war is raging with bitter disdain.
My driveway the battle ground
I shall not relinquish my parking spot
to your mindless rabble of flakes
So bow to me you wretched season
For I shall never tire. 
and my staunch ally will soon be spring
and together we will force a cease fire

For I am winter's nemesis
And these walls shall not be breached
Until my tour of duty is done
and I retire to Miami beach

Copyright © Joe Inka | Year Posted 2011

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Evolution of a Soul

A soul unites with a vessel. With no preconceived notion of what lies ahead.
A soul, upon arrival is molded by senses, by experiences, by emotions.
A soul is innately adept at navigating the treacherous and tumultuous upheaval 
created by conscious thought.

For if not.........
A soul becomes lost

A lost soul acts within a vessel ,yet remains unattached, unaware, and unbalanced
A lost soul can not process its own feelings, its own reality, its own existence
A lost soul has no sense of direction, no sense of reason, no sense of purpose 
It clings only to the will to press onward

For if not............
A soul becomes trapped

A trapped soul is bound to its vessel. One entity caged within another.
A trapped soul dwells in circles on that which enslaves it. Unwilling, unable
A trapped soul withers, and weakens, and wonders.............and near its end it hopes
And in this hope the shackles that bind need be unbreakable

For if not..................
A soul becomes free

A free soul is independent of its vessel.Unrestricted, unencumbered and in control
A free soul molds that which lies before it, reaching beyond comprehension.
A free soul has found itself. It does not gain understanding, it is understanding. It 
does not seek purpose, it is purpose. I does not fear life, It is life.

For if not...........
A soul becomes irrelevant

Copyright © Joe Inka | Year Posted 2011

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Land of Misery

On the eastern shore, she knocked on our door
Then drifted away to the west
She then turned north, and steadily forth
With rage upon her crest

As she gathered force, On a steady course
To a land below the sea
Too Unaware, or unprepared
For such a tragedy

Toppling of homes, the shredding of domes
of a wind that relentlessly blows
All the terrain, was flooded with rain
When the lake did overflow

And then she passed, and none to fast
This city beneath the sea
Leaving this flood, which carries our blood
Through a land of misery.

Hurricane Katrina

Copyright © Joe Inka | Year Posted 2005

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The Pirate's Lady

Crew of scoundrels, scalawags
Skulls and crossbones, on her flags
Hull held low by money bags
The fruitful Pirate's Lady

Upon her splintered deck they rove
Safely anchored, hidden cove
Her belly stowed with treasure trove
The faithful Pirate's Lady

Treasure hidden, booby traps
Clever riddles, cryptic maps
Soon to return, to ivory caps
So fleet the Pirate's Lady

Sails at full, for seven days
On east horizon, looms her prey
They intercept with cannon fray
The frightful Pirate's Lady

Copyright © Joe Inka | Year Posted 2006

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In a world once devoid of all color.
Near the end of it's mythical age.
Was bestowed a final magical gift
Before time could turn the page

Lily was born to Avalon
And raised in Lyonesse
She spoke in soft melodic tones
and moved with angelic finesse

Her skin was the shade of the harvest moon
Her heart of the sun's warm caress
Her eyes were forged of emerald mist
and her hair was a windswept mess

Sweet Lily knelt at rivers edge
To splash her upon her  face
The waters of the sacred flow
Which carried nature's grace

When she raised her head she felt renewed
and she wiped the wash from her eyes
To see reflected, a strange new world
An awe inspiring surprise

A world of color newly formed
by this girl and her new found powers
Beauty swept throughout the realm
Of Sweet Lily the queen of the flowers

Radiance followed where ever she walked
Her path was not hard to detect
Fragrance of lilac filled the air
While tulips all bowed with respect

She wandered forth, the wind her guide
To share her precious gift
Rainbows free to arc the sky
and infinite bubbles adrift

It's said she wanders still, this place
A world of her minds creation
All beauty it seems is a product of
Sweet Lily's imagination

Copyright © Joe Inka | Year Posted 2011

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Lost At Sea

The sea is unkempt
Unwary sailors regret
Thar mate has been swept

Copyright © Joe Inka | Year Posted 2005

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Judge Knot

Some people think knots are for boy scouts and sailors
Cowboys, hangmen,Anglers and whalers
But knots have many jobs to do
To make this point I'll name a few

turning two heavy ropes into one?
The Carrick bend will get that done.

Do you need a loop at your rope's end?
On the figure eight you can depend.

Are you scaling walls of the steepest pitch?
You'ld be wise to perfect your Munter hitch.

Are you fishing one line, but wishing for two?
The Bimini twist can make that come true.

Please judge your knots by function and form
For if you tie them wrong
Your fish could be lost, Your boat could get tossed
Or your plummet could be mighty long

Here comes the judge contest

Copyright © Joe Inka | Year Posted 2011

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A Frozen Moment

In the season of the sacred gift
White powder falls and spirits lift
When better to join two souls adrift
A moment frozen in time

His heart is firmly in her grip
The words of love upon her lips
In each others eyes they slowly slip
A  moment frozen in time

With their vows they do confide
The truths of what they feel inside
The time has come to kiss the bride
A moment frozen in time

A celebration of the new married pair
champagne by the barrel, all decadent fare
Moves on the dance floor, beyond all compare
A moment frozen in time

By evenings end, a gentle snow
Embrace beneath the mistletoe 
A love to last and eternally grow
A moment frozen in time.


Copyright © Joe Inka | Year Posted 2013

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Cafe Canoe

Morning coffee drift
Disconnected from the shore
Solitary bliss

Copyright © Joe Inka | Year Posted 2006

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One Land Alone

In an age of the world, that was much like our own
The seeds of indifference, were rampantly sown
Compassion forgotten and equality unknown
The bounty of Earth was for one land alone

A land with such power, it bent to it's will
The tired, the hungry, the weak, and the ill
With a thirst so unyielding, It could never lye still
Though it's cup never empty,could never be filled

It spread like an inferno. yet raged like the sea
protesters were bloodied so most chose to flee
While begging for mercy, that was not to be
From a glutinous people who chose not to see

These people stood idle, did nothing to stop
Their king's hands were scarlet, But they each held a drop
For the ways of the righteous they would not adopt
They watched the world sinking, but they were on top

Soon there was nothing, no time to atone
The world was returned, to the ages of stone
And all that was learned, would never be known
A world turned to ruin, for one land alone

Copyright © Joe Inka | Year Posted 2005


Book: Reflection on the Important Things