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Best Poems Written by Evelyn Swartz

Below are the all-time best Evelyn Swartz poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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And Then a Flaming Pterodactyl Ate My Homework

It was our third-grade field trip to the Dinosaur Exhibit
We would be touring all the lands that dinosaurs inhibit
I remember the teacher saying “keep your hands inside your pockets”
Then she paired me with the meanest kid, his name was Tommy Rockets
“I dare you to take an egg,” Tommy whispered giving me a stare
The nest was full of eggs, if I took the smallest who would care?
The next day at school every child was questioned.
The museum curator was out to teach us a lesson
The egg had grown overnight and was hidden in my coat.
They made mom take me to the doctor so he could check my throat.
They poked me and they prodded, ran machines against my feet.
They questioned why I would choose that specific egg to eat.
The news showed my picture on every single station.
One reporter called me Dino Boy. I was an amateur sensation
When the egg finally hatched I had to hide the birth.
The animal that was born was extinct from this earth.
A Flaming Pterodactyl in all his blazing glory.
No one believed me, but who could make up such a story?
At first, he was easy and stayed in my closet through the day.
At night he’d fly around but never go astray.
Then I started getting blamed for things when I wasn’t even there.
Like vegetables gone from gardens leaving soil bare.
Kitty cats so high in trees the firemen couldn’t reach them.
Children so riled up teachers couldn’t teach them.
 We moved from one town to another and another.
Each time it was the same. People felt pity for my mother

The next morning I woke up to a chewing sound 
crunch, crunch, and crunch.
That’s when I noticed he ate my homework for his lunch.
My Flaming Pterodactyl again was causing havoc.
With a trail of Cheetos, I led him to our attic.
I made sure he was comfy then I headed off to school.
No one there believed me until they found him swimming in the pool.
Now he’s our school mascot in all his flaming glory.
A Pterodactyl that … sorry he ate the rest of this story!!
                          February 1st, 2021
Written for the contest: and then a flaming pterodactyl ate my homework
Sponsor: John Lawless

Copyright © Evelyn Swartz | Year Posted 2021

Details | Evelyn Swartz Poem

Soccer In Scotland

I grew up on granddaddy's ranch 
There wasn’t a bull I couldn’t conquer
My cowboy boots only came off
When I changed my clothes for soccer
I love the smell of fresh green grass
The sound of the ball hitting the goal post
I love racing down the field 
Ya’ll listening? I love soccer it’s the most
Well. let me tell you a little story ‘bout
Flying on a plane
Our team went to Scotland
To play in a big game 
My excitement turned to fear
I was just a mess
The players came from the other team
 and each one had on a dress
John gave me a flower
I think I saw it wilt
My coach whispered in my ear
Calm down that is a Kilt
Now ya’ll I know I am from Texas
We’re called the Lone star State
We love our fellow man
Ain’t a neighbor that I hate
But to see a handsome boy
Smile and try to flirt
Reach his hand to shake mine
while wearing a wool skirt
I know I know it’s called a Kilt
and it’s a part of their tradition
but what is a girl to do 
I’ve never dealt with such conditions
They come in many colors
John’s was green and red
His friend had one of grey and blue
Matched the hat upon his head
The goalie for their soccer team
Was a boy called David Heath
He laughed and whispered in my ear
“We wear nothing underneath.”
 Did I mention I’m from Texas?
Well, I ain’t no Southern Belle
The thoughts I had while practicing 
Would’ve made my Mama yell
I looked it up in history books
Researched in magazines
To wear one of those in Scotland
Is like a Texan wearing jeans
I tried to act naturally
but all my head could do was tilt
I just had to go back home
and tell the story of the Kilt
finally, about the time the game was at an end
That cute boy from the airport
reached for the ball and had to bend
I still don’t know if he made the goal
I’ll have to ask Coach Milt
because all I saw was what he didn’t wear
underneath his Kilt

Written for Scotland-One Rule Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Julia Ward

Copyright © Evelyn Swartz | Year Posted 2021

Details | Evelyn Swartz Poem

At 16

Don't talk to her she's in a slump
Have you seen her belly bump?
Its beyond belief that she's so young
What kind of family is she from

Doesn't she have a mom and dad
Where were they while she was bad
She'll never finish her education
That poor girl she needs salvation

What about the father does she know his name
She was probably promiscuous oh the shame
You've studied together well not anymore
I won't have you friends she is a whore

Ma'am  you're wrong and need correction
Those other girls just use protection
And some get caught.. Go to the clinic
You're uniformed don't be a critic

I was the girl who caused that scene
Yes I was pregnant at sixteen
I had much love from Dad and Mother
A family as good as any other

I was with one boy
Not several more
We were in love
I was no whore

My parents said you have an option
You can give him up for adoption
If you keep him you'll stay at home
You're too young to live alone

Yes I was blessed with that curse
I went to college became a nurse
Raised my son he's now thirty five
My parents love taught us to thrive

Not everything is as it may seem
When a girl gets pregnant at sixteen...

Copyright © Evelyn Swartz | Year Posted 2020

Details | Evelyn Swartz Poem

Lord, God, Master of Creation

Lord, God, Master of creation Gives us mercy and grace If you believe in salvation Miracles will take place Faith, He will take your pain Hope, He does not pass blame Love, He does know your name Heaven is our destination Lord, God, Master of creation 10/22/2021 Syllable Counter on PoetrySoup Written for Quietus Poetry Contest Sponsored by Unseeking Seeker

Copyright © Evelyn Swartz | Year Posted 2021

Details | Evelyn Swartz Poem

Thanksgiving Blessings

I am thankful for the Blessing of Life
Do you know where I’m typing?
On a granite table, in the beautiful home where I house sit
Thank you, Lord, for this grand opportunity
Do you know what I’m drinking?
Clean water in a glass
Thank you, Lord, for quenching my thirst
Do you know what I am eating?
Fresh fruit, vegetables, and meat
Thank you, Lord, for our bounty
Do you know where I will sleep tonight?
In a soft bed with sheets and blankets
Thank you, Lord, for providing so I can rest
It is not the big things that mean the most
It is not television or shopping, fast cars or recreation
It is the things that we forget about that God has given us 
It is our family, our friends, our pets, our sun, and moon that mean the most
It is our opportunity to grow, to praise Him, to worship
It is clean air and pure water
It is that we are making it through Covid 19 and we will prevail
If we all would get on our knees, yes on our knees, and thank the Lord
If we all would praise Him not only when times are tough
If we all would just be thankful for Him yes thankful for God
We would know the real meaning of Thanksgiving and He would rejoice
I am thankful for the Blessing of Life

Written for Thanksgiving Blessings Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Regina McIntosh

Copyright © Evelyn Swartz | Year Posted 2021

Details | Evelyn Swartz Poem

Life Is Like a Chess Match

"Life is like a chess match To win you must be swift and able to maneuver Yes, life and the chess match are very much the same Once the king dies, no others continue the game"
The Pawn The shape of the pawn represents the lesser value of this piece The pawn in life stands for the fundamental of our being Our fundamentals can be evil or virtuous Some pawns are the “small stuff” and can be easily removed Some pawns like in chess symbolize bravery and sacrifice Pawns stand in front of the more important pieces of life Pawns can find promotion to higher rank if we let them Never underestimate the power of your pawns
The Rook The shape of the rook represents a castle It is the only piece that is a non-living thing Each rook is in a corner with the others inside The rook in life stands for our home A person’s home is their castle, it is their protectorate You can adorn the walls with gold and still not have a castle You can line the roof in cardboard and have a fortress It all depends on the love within the four walls
The Knight The shape of the knight is that of an elegant horse’s head The knight can attack or defend The knight can be good or evil The knight on the chessboard stands next to the rook The knight in life stands for your canine If the knight is your canine, your teaching controls if it is good or evil You teach it to defend or attack The knight in life resembles the character of its owner
The Bishop The shape of the bishop is short, and he is wearing a Mitre The bishop is one of the three human forms in the game The bishop in life stands for your spirituality The bishop is on either side of the king and queen The king and queen are the man and wife of the home In life, your spirituality should surround you
The Queen The shape of the queen is tall, and her curvature is much like that of the king The queen wears a crown displaying her power over the king The queen in life stands for the wife The queen/ wife listens to the king and advises the king The queen/wife is feared by the kingdom for they know her strength The queen/wife holds it all together The queen/wife/mother is the strength of the family
The King The shape of the king defines him The king has a wide base and is the tallest piece on the board The king is designed to display a hierarchy with a cross slotted into the top The king in life stands for the husband The king/husband is the leader of the family The king/husband depends on the queen for strength The king/husband moves forward and to the side avoiding destruction/failure Once the king/husband dies the game is over In life, once the king/husband leaves or passes on life changes for everyone The king has a responsibility to his kingdom/family
As in a game of chess, there are two opponents battling each other for control In life, the shape of these opponents is never unveiled The power of these opponents is strong Depending on which opponent we listen to determines our outcome In life, the opponents are Satan and God Each working on us, each putting their bishop to work on our hearts In life, it is not easy to decide which way to go or which step to take We must choose one opponent or the other and face the consequences In life, by our actions, we accept we are but princes and princesses In life, we follow the king of righteousness or the king of evil In life, we realize that we can win and it is not a game
Written for Your Own Philosophy Statement Poetry Contest Sponsored by Chantelle Anne Cook

Copyright © Evelyn Swartz | Year Posted 2021

Details | Evelyn Swartz Poem

You Must Choose Life

I hate drugs especially Meth
It causes hell, can cause your death.
Makes you feel like someone new...
there is nothing that you can't do...
made me feel pretty, so sexy and thin
no more outcast, I fit right in.
Meth is clever
Meth is quick
You'll feel great before getting sick
All the while you're getting erased,
the meth taking over you're soon replaced.
It will delete all you hold dear
erase your family steal your career.
Deep inside meth works its magic
in your system wreaking havoc.
Your lungs, your heart, your hair and skin
meth changes you from within.
It takes your spirit, crushes the soul
Makes sure without it you won't feel whole.
Meth changes the way you think,
You're so thirsty but won't take a drink.
You don't see this big decline,
 meth has done it, you're mentally blind.
Should you ever try to leave..
Meth will make it hard to breathe!
You'll feel like you can not try
It's to hard to say goodbye
Only God can help you get away
He'll take the lead if you'll pray
He'll help you off this road to death
But you must choose life 
instead of meth

Copyright © Evelyn Swartz | Year Posted 2020

Details | Evelyn Swartz Poem

El Paso, Texas

El Paso, Texas
 desert landscape
  mountain tops
   cactus’s so green
     sand storms
      dry air
Footprints of a lone coyote
    beige sand
     rocky mountain ledge
            leads the way
               to a 
                   sun-filled sky
dry heat
   winter in the morn
               spring at noon
                        summer by four
El Paso, Texas 
                      fragment of 
                           the Lone Star State

My first attempt at an Ekphrasis poem
Written for All Yours (March 14th) Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Brian Strand

Copyright © Evelyn Swartz | Year Posted 2021

Details | Evelyn Swartz Poem

Fat Cat Pat

rat a tat rata tat a tat 
there was a fat cat named pat
who fell asleep on a mat
woke up to tat a tat tat 
or a sound something like that
found out it was made by a rat
that’s why the tune was flat
cause a rat can’t meow like a cat
rat a tat rat a tat tat 

Written for contest Tongue Twister Challange
Sponsor Joe Sandler

Copyright © Evelyn Swartz | Year Posted 2021

Details | Evelyn Swartz Poem

Giving Godly Grace

God, our Lord the master of creation
Intended for us to believe in salvation
Victory can be reached by accepting his word
Inviting those who have sinned to come be transferred
Now is the time for us all to listen
Great things are to come, when his son has risen

Go forth, take your children and lead them by hand
Omnipresent is he do you understand?
Do unto others what you know is right
Love thy self and thy neighbor there’s no reason to fight
Your life was not made by a human being

God used his own image to create what your seeing
Read the bible and congregate, hit your knees and  pray
All people are welcome to push evil away
Come as you are, come with no shame
Eternal our God, he knows your name 

Written for Giving Godly Grace Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Regina McIntosh

Copyright © Evelyn Swartz | Year Posted 2021


Book: Reflection on the Important Things