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Best Poems Written by Robin L. Gass

Below are the all-time best Robin L. Gass poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Thank You For This Bounty, God

Thank you for this bounty, God
that you give to me
for grain that grows within the field
and fruit upon the tree
Thank you for the little seeds
that in the spring are sown
and with your gifts of sun and rain
have through the summer grown
Thank you for the farmers, Lord
and bless them for their toil
as now they gather in the fall
this bounty from your soil

This was inspired by Brian Strands' Harvest Hymn Contest, which I unfortunately missed 
but I wanted to share it with you today and dedicate it to Brian for the inspiration and 
support he gives to us here at the Soup.  RG

Copyright © Robin L. Gass | Year Posted 2009

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I Am But a Dreamer

I am but a dreamer
and in my dreams I play
where I live so happily
writing them my way
inside my illusions
where I know I belong
whistling a joyful tune
as I go along

Like a little spirit
I venture on the breeze
skipping in the gentle wind
doing what I please
with the rising sun I dance
wrapped inside his charms
across the golden morning sky
twirling in his arms

I can climb a mountain
or live among the trees
sail in a silver sailboat
on the seven seas
I can draw a moonlit night
ride on a bright moonbeam
and swim among the diamonds
in a velvet stream

I am but a dreamer
there's nothing in my way
living in the place I love
loving everyday
maybe it's a fairytale
but that's all right by me
I'm the master of my dreams
where I wander free

No one there can tell me
what is wrong or right
following what's in my heart
I live in the light
happy in my dream world
that's where I choose to stay
in the world where I belong
writing dreams my way

Copyright © Robin L. Gass | Year Posted 2009

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Liquid Lullaby

Soothing is your song
as your crystal melody
plays within my heart

Inspired bt Raul Morenos' Rhythm of the Falls contest

Copyright © Robin L. Gass | Year Posted 2009

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The Poem That Never Was

This is the poem
I cannot write
without the words
which can't be found
and will not flow
to fill the page
that waits to hold
all of their worth
within its white
and empty lines

This is the poem
which will not grow
without the words
I cannot gather
as they diverge
within my mind
and flee my lost
and lonely pen
which now is useless
in my hand

This is the poem
which has become
my elegy to 
the words that aren't
the ones that die
before they meet
the page which waits
for what can't be
as I now mourn
what never was

Copyright © Robin L. Gass | Year Posted 2009

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Is It Spring Yet?

The March madness ends
I am just an April fool
looking for sunshine

Copyright © Robin L. Gass | Year Posted 2009

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Bed of Roses

The love
you've sown within
the heart and soul of me
grows like a lush summer garden
and I am filled with your tender beauty
I gather roses in the sun
and offer you bouquets
on petals sweet
we lie

Copyright © Robin L. Gass | Year Posted 2009

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Dangerous Thoughts

Aching with desire
my thoughts are filled with you
thoughts I should not dare to think
for fear they will destroy me.
Just a thought of you and I am seized
by feelings that shatter me
and thrill me
burning my flesh as they rush through me
leaving me thirsting in their wake
thirst only to be quenched
with the knowledge of you
thoughts that twist and taunt me
until I am at the brink
trembling to my very core
intoxicated by this sweet torture
my body silently crying out for yours
begging for release
begging you to come to me
and let me wrap myself around you
and lose myself to you
as you lose yourself in me.
Nothing else can untangle me
nothing less will satisfy this aching need
as I am lost to thoughts
so dangerous
so delicious.

written 2005

Copyright © Robin L. Gass | Year Posted 2009

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Come Let Me Rock You Gently

Come let me rock you gently
and as we softly sway
I'll share with you a story
and rock your cares away.

In the years that I have known
there has been much I've seen
the big "to do's" the nothing days
and all those in between.

To all I've offered comfort
and a quiet place to rest
I've rocked my share of little ones
(oh, how I love them best!).

A very tender memory
of all those that I hold
is one of love and caring
that now is growing old.

A Grandma and a little girl
placed firmly on her knee
would for hours sit and play
and we would rock so free!

The laughter in their voices
(to which I'd add a creak!)
would fill my day with pleasure
and with pure joy I'd squeak!

Oh how I loved the songs they sang
and the games they played
and all the Bible stories told
when we were all so staid.

How glad I was to share it all
we were a happy set
this is my sweetest memory
(the best one I've had yet!).

Now as our time is winding down
(it's nearly at an end!)
I bid you please come back and sit
when you have time to spend.

Together we will gently sway
and stories will unfold
and I will rock your cares away
as each new one is told.

Inspired by Deborah Guzzis' The Chairs Tale contest

Copyright © Robin L. Gass | Year Posted 2009

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Haiga - Enigmatic Moment

C          R           O
a           a           n
p           p           l
t            t           y
v           I           S
e           n           h
             s           e
S           i
h           d           C
e           e           a
I            T
s            h          S
             e           e
H                        e
e           M
 l           y
d           s

Inspired by Brian Strands' Imagine contest and Edward Hoppers' "Automat"

Copyright © Robin L. Gass | Year Posted 2009

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A Story

It was on a Christmas Eve
early in the morn
into a world so often cold
a little girl was born.
Her parents, they did love her,
the way that it should be
but her father, who's a good man,
had been raised with cruelty.

When he doled out punishment
for all her childish ways
the lessons that he taught her
would stay with her all her days.
Growing up was never easy
and she grew up so confused.
Other kids did more than tease her
and at home she was abused.

But she grew up all the same
then came to that time of life
when she thought she was ready
became a mother and a wife.
They faced a lot of hardships
but tried to love anyway
and her husband, who does love her,
has been so mean along the way.

Yes, life is hard for everyone
this woman surely knows.
Hate and misunderstanding
seems to follow where she goes
with so many quick to tell her
that she is always wrong
so many times she has been shown
that she just don't belong.

She tries so hard to understand
the reasons for her tears
and is punished for her feelings
as she has been all her years.
She knows that there is more to life
than what always seems to be.
All she wants is to be loved
without the cruelty.

Note:  My dear friends, this is not an easy write for me but a necessary one.  I was at a very 
low point in my life and I prayed for God for direction or to let it end.  I wrote the poem I Am 
then joined PoetrySoup.  I know God led me to this wonderful site for a reason.  I may still 
have a long way to go but I am starting to move forward.  I want to thank you all for your 
encouragement and kindness.  Being able to write again is helping me and as fellow writers, 
I know you understand.  Thank you for sharing with me and teaching to become a better 
writer.  God bless you all and Happy Holidays!  Love, Robin.

Copyright © Robin L. Gass | Year Posted 2008


Book: Reflection on the Important Things