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Best Poems Written by Krish Radhakrishna

Below are the all-time best Krish Radhakrishna poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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That Tiny Spark of Hope

"what is this strange place, we find ourselves in
trapped in the open, we are free within"

in the darkest realm of desperation,
we find love and some hope for elation,

in swirling crowds, solace of solitude,
amongst stony hearts, pearl of gratitude,

in eddy currents of tears, hint of smile,
in scorching heat, shade to rest for a while,

a crack of lightning in gloom of clouds,
in violence of storms, beacons on grounds,

in chaos, anarchy, voice of reason,
a rose in full bloom, outside its season,

so ride on, ride on, ride on till sunset,
captain your life, ride on with no regrets,

sail with your dreams, with strong courage to win,
trapped in the open, we are free within!

Copyright © Krish Radhakrishna | Year Posted 2022

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Legion of Doom

howling black wolves complain to new moon, of devastation wrought by creatures! different from rest in size and shape, walk on two legs, strange hairless features! in packs behind rigid barriers, cunning to modulate world to needs, the rivers run dark under their feet, trees have perished to nourish their seeds! clouds now migrate away to the south, it thunders and rains where once desert, vast oceans expand as glaciers melt, cold death now haunts where once birds would nest. hunt us down, say are born of devil, spare not a thought for nature’s reasons, we hunt when hungry, the weak and lame, but they kill for game in all seasons! fire horrors ravage homely woods, cuckoo laments morning with its lore, big herds that walked now dress their rooms, world is wounded, earth is bleeding sore! Horror! Horror! we cry to the moon, our laments tear down the dark silence, ruled by these creatures with hearts of stone, they are destructive sans repentance! we fear not ghosts that lurk in the dark, nor dripping blood from a sharpened steel, greater horror lurks where these things haunt, a pestilence that rocks nature’s keel!
Written 3/May/2021 Funom Makama sponsored Horror poetry contest 9 syllables each line- lines2 and 4 rhyme in all quatrains! POTD 05/05/2021

Copyright © Krish Radhakrishna | Year Posted 2021

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Grief of Losing a Life Partner-Potd

It is important we know this eternal truth,
that our earthly lives may be linked but not our deaths!
you may have special memories from early youth,
but one has to watch the other take the last breath!

you will for sure shed tears of separation, grief,
fear future prospect of  life without the other,
but thank God for the lovely life however brief!
pray after life you still wish to be together!

we do not choose to be born nor do we choose death,
in the garden of creation we bloom and rest,
relish every moment of fortune and good health,
but when the end comes, please trust him for He knows best!!

let not this despondency rob your faith in Him,
as you are precious to others as was to you,
life must still be lived and cherished however grim,
destiny has plans for you till you bid adieu!

Dedicated to Line Gauthier who has lost her husband
Written 19/11/2020 after reading Gershon’s tribute to Line

POTD 21/11/2020

Copyright © Krish Radhakrishna | Year Posted 2020

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Gandhi Mahatma

His deepest belief was in truth,
His greatest faith was in God,
He was selfless in his pursuit,
Millions followed where he trod!

He wore no crown, robes or tie,
He was no king, had no kingdom,
Thin and small at five foot five,
He won his people their freedom!

He lived life about the same time,
Adolf Hitler unleashed his anger,
millions perished to Nazi crime,
But Gandhi put no one in danger.

race discrimination he boldly fought,
in South Africa as a young lawyer,
No guns or swords he ever sought,
But he lead by fasting and prayer!

He was by birth a religious Hindu,
But respected all the world beliefs,
All religions were one in his view,
They were same in their motives.

Love, peace, path of nonviolence,
were all his weapons of resistance,
Absorbing anger, showing patience,
he lead India to its independence.

Great minds, common people like us,
Called him Mahatma, a great Soul,
He was likened to Jesus and Moses,
As they revered and pursued his goal.

He fasted to unite the rioting people,
Who killed because of religious strife,
They prayed in mosques and temple,
And thay all prayed only for his life!

On a prayer morning in late January,
Two hate bullets tore his loving heart,
His life put out by ignorance and fury,
he was killed by a world torn apart!

Even several decades after his death,
His message of love shines through,
Like many prophets before his birth,
His life’s mission, to save me and you!

*2nd placement in the contest
Sponsor Chantelle Anne Cooke
Your Favorite Legend ' Contest
Written 10/03/2020

Copyright © Krish Radhakrishna | Year Posted 2020

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A brand new car is what I love,
Love the body, the new car smell,
So to local luxury garage I drove,
that’s where I met lovely Shantelle!

Bright blue was the colour in mind,
A four wheel drive good for snow,
For my golf kit, lot of space behind,
A shapely front, as men will know!

I was shown to a desk at the rear,
Sitting in her chair was Shantelle,
Divine looks, heart stopping stare, 
Like a Sharon Stone, behind a Dell!

What transpired? I can’t remember!
Who spoke and if anything was said?
My mind stoned my legs were timber,
Was I dreaming? Was I still in bed?

Later in the open, to show me the car,
She walked like she was on catwalk,
Blue skin tights kept my mouth ajar,
Her pretty smile was her sales talk!

The blue she wore, was blue I love,
every breath I took was her perfume,
She was so close, when I test drove,
my eyes on her, eyes focus and zoom!

The deal was done, the car was sold,
Shantelle I loved, not the four by four!
Ignored the price, paid what I was told,
Borrowed from a bank, to settle score!

Stone by stone every necklace grows,
Drop by drop, love and ocean soar,
Shantelle I wed, with marriage vows,
Now we are four, in our four by four!

N/A 27/02/2020
Dated 18/02/2020
Premier poetry contest Shantelle  
Sponsor Julia Ward

Entered for John Hamilton N-A contest

Copyright © Krish Radhakrishna | Year Posted 2020

Details | Krish Radhakrishna Poem

Dad Is Coming Home Tonight

Our  house is abuzz
With Me, Bella and Jess 
And Mummy is all delight
“Dad’s coming home tonight! “

The Cake has been made
The table has been laid 
Candles are alight
Dad will be home tonight!

Mum’s wearing polka dots
Dress, Dad had bought
She looks pretty, so bright!
Dad will be home tonight.

Jess was only two
When dad had to go
He still remembers him, right?
Can’t wait for Dad tonight!

Bella’s dream is a soprano
And so deft with the piano
She will make it a musical nite
When daddy’s home tonight!!

But me? I am a bit too shy
So I did this song on the sly
Plan to place it under his desk-light
Hope Dad will read it tonight!

Dad may have stories from afar
Of his travels and the war
Tales of nobility and military might
At the dinner table tonight.

Just imagine him at the door
Big smile, Open arms for us four
His loving grasp will be tight
When he comes home tonight.

There is a knock on the door! 
We all cheer and roar!!
Mum is there on a flight, 
Jess lisps, “is it already tonight?”

Four soldiers stand at our gates,
They must be his work mates,
Mum’s voice is soft in fright
“Is he coming home tonight?”

Voices drown as the men depart
Mum is back, her hand on heart
Slowly her legs yield to her weight
“Daddy won’t be coming home tonight!”

Copyright © Krish Radhakrishna | Year Posted 2019

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Like the Lotus

God does not blink in his eternal watch, because time does not come in to it at all! pure stillness reigns where he is awake, no breath, no whisper there is nothing at all! in a turbulent pond- like a lotus calm! slaves we mortals are to the whip of time, we measure it all day, measure it all night by the beat of the heart, rhythm of the breath, at the birth of a child, to the end of our lives, by the revolutions of earth, Sunset, Sunrise! look deep within the calmness of your Soul, there is a glow of divinity that is real you, there is stillness within that is stillness of God, the absolute truth that doesn't change at all, in a turbulent pond - like a lotus calm! the absolute truth is not the slave of time, because it is so still time does not exist at all, life’s many gains and losses, defeats and pain, have no longer any meaning in this domain, in a turbulent pond- like a lotus calm! align your mind with that divine stillness, perceive the glowing unending brightness, cast away the body, surrender your soul, nothing exists! you are part of absolute truth, the lotus glows - the pond was a mirage!
1st placement premium competition Lotus of my heart poetry contest Mystic Rose Rose sponsor Written 27/12/2020

Copyright © Krish Radhakrishna | Year Posted 2020

Details | Krish Radhakrishna Poem

Presence of Absence

absence of sound is the deepest void, where silence reigns farthest spots, in that silence is heart beat of thought, swirling colours of hope, mist of dreams the din of noise like a turbulent gale, sweeps away benevolence of such purity, seedlings of truth germinate in quiet, when eyes are closed and mind at rest, when breath recounts the value of life, mind remembers the time that is lost, time that only clocks the material, because in the void there is no time, so void it was when it all began, void it will be when it all shall end, between the voids is myth of presence, absolute reality is total absence of all! find that void that binds us all together, in that void is silence and voice of God!
Premier contest winner (6) written 8/08/2021 The Void poetry contest free verse Unseeking Seeker sponsored

Copyright © Krish Radhakrishna | Year Posted 2021

Details | Krish Radhakrishna Poem

Steep Leap Tb

ice pick digs deep
breath spews thick mist
foot hold must stick
peak steep cold slope
stay calm keep hold
success not cheap

1st placement
Charles Messina sponsored
Bauk-Than 3 rows of rhyme highlighted in bold and italics
Written 25/12/2020
4 syllables 2nd, 3rd, 4th words/syllables rhyme
4 rows with three rhyme patterns

Copyright © Krish Radhakrishna | Year Posted 2020

Details | Krish Radhakrishna Poem

A Leaf, a Life and the Meaning There Of

beyond the road curve ahead I do not know,
we are still far and distant from winter snow,
autumn has sprayed green leaves some yellow, some red,
as they spiral and fall to their grassy bed.

these foliage tell tales of life and death,
glory of existence and that final breath,
when memories of life were all fresh and green,
now strewn along the road is life that had been!

I stand on a bridge to view the flowing stream,
silent it goes like a sequence in a dream,
bearing on the surface, gatherings from trees,
duty performed for nature, yearly with ease.

beauty all around is tribute to nature,
meadow is still fresh, green is still the pasture,
the demise of leaves is no reason for grief,
future will bring new seasons! time is no thief!

A traveller will stop to admire the view,
years and years from now when I have bid adieu,
that day should not be any day for remorse,
life always changes and flows and finds its course!

written 22/10/2022
after a walk along the Stratford upon Avon canal
6km of my daily habitat. 
11syllables each line!

Copyright © Krish Radhakrishna | Year Posted 2022


Book: Shattered Sighs