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Best Poems Written by Virginia Gelok

Below are the all-time best Virginia Gelok poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Cross Road

As he shuffled toward me I cringed.
Ripped clothes and shoes with flapping soles had alerted me.
I could actually see his sunken cheeks and lips clamped tight.
What was he thinking?

Me, dressed just so. Fancy hair, eyes aglow.
What was he thinking?

My purse clenched tightly.
Do I cross to the other side?
What was he thinking?

Suddenly it came to me,
flooding both my mind and my heart.
I am so very sorry.

I almost forgot that you are as human as I.
I am so sorry.

One thing for sure, apparently you are the stronger one.
I am sure I could not live the life you must.

What was I thinking?

Copyright © Virginia Gelok | Year Posted 2021

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The Writer In Me Wants You To Know

We sit opposite to each other during class. 
I struggle to start.
She sits motionless.
As I look her way I can't help but wonder,
what ideas are swarming in her brain.
A condition known as 'Locked in Syndrome',
has all but controlled her being, but not her brain.
I realize she is getting excited.
Her brain is racing with ideas.
She sees her thoughts as if written on a chalkboard.
She tastes them as though she had taken a bite.
The sounds she hears are deafening.
She wonders if she should put them in print.
Her hands don't move,
nor do her feet.
But those eyes, those big beautiful eyes can tell the story.
She musters up the confidence and sitting in front of her computer, 
writes with her eyes!
The writer in me wants you to know
If she can do this, 
There is no reason I cannot write
a simple poem.

Thursday August 12, 2021

Copyright © Virginia Gelok | Year Posted 2021

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A Common Interest

The door closed as they each took their turn.
Their turn to say goodbye.
Their turn to say prayers.
While he lay in the bed, near death.

She was asked to speak at his funeral.
Was this the inspiration she needed ?
Reflecting on their lives might help
In the healing process.

Late one evening long ago,
A whispering voice  called.
A sudden urgency to invite him over
Started it all.

As if they had just got home from a separation
Passion was pouring from their hearts.
They didn't have the courage to avoid each other.
Their touch so gentle, not sexual but sensual.

They knew what was about to occur.
Now this was more than friendship.
With a love so strong a choice had to be made.
Would they have the courage to make the right one?

This special shared love would stay secret.
So what could she say about the man she loved ?
Could she just speak friendly words
About the man whose wife would be front row center ?

Copyright © Virginia Gelok | Year Posted 2021

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My Boy

We bid you adieu; you were on your way,
This would be a wonderful day.
Bags all packed, and a map marked out,
See you next week we all did shout.

The call came at six the next night.
You're not coming home, what a fright!
Life was about to be changed at seven.
I just don't recall his map marked 'Heaven'!

Each day I see you in my mind,
Your smile, your laugh so soft and kind.
I feel your hand though you're not here,
I sense your visits throughout the year.

Mystic Rose Rose

Copyright © Virginia Gelok | Year Posted 2021

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A Love Note

Where there is love
The heart is light.
Where there is love
The day is bright.
Where there is love
There is a smile
Where there is love
It's all worthwhile.

Copyright © Virginia Gelok | Year Posted 2021

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Alcohol, Not the Answer

The visit was over and off to my car
It was out in the snow, but not too far.
Cleared the windows and what did I see
Was that the bag I got for free?
There in the front seat lay napkins around
I don't recall them, but they are not on the ground.

I pointed my key fob and tapped on the right
Suddenly that 'Silence' gave me a fright. 
That 'Click' I usually hear opening the lock
Left me panicky and in shock.
Perhaps I had done it wrong, so I tried again.
Swear words came to mind, but I was careful to refrain.

The cold winter snow had frozen the door
But I kept clicking more and more.
Nothing was working, and I needed some heat
Back to my friend's house to warm my feet.
Thankfully, alcohol should work she explained
So with spray bottle in hand I tried once again.

I liberally sprayed all around the doors, trunk and lock
One time then two times then looked at my clock.
Five minutes passed and once again I tried
Pressed the key fob, was that a noise nearby?
As I tried once more I listened for that sound
Then suddenly realized and had to turn around.

Oh my goodness, what to my surprise
There across the lot I saw with my own eyes.
The trunk suddenly opened on a vehicle not far
Darn! There it was. This is not my car!!

Copyright © Virginia Gelok | Year Posted 2022

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Step Daughter, My Daughter

If I had a daughter of my very own,
She'd be like you when she was grown.
I'm very proud to have you in my life,
And I am so happy to be your father's wife.
He shares with me his special treasure,
His beautiful daughter, he shares with pleasure.
She has a flair and sparkling eyes,
One look at her will hypnotize.
A pout now and then to show some emotion,
And a will that's strong as a magic potion.
So much love always pouring out,
Showing others just what she's about!

Copyright © Virginia Gelok | Year Posted 2021

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There's More To Sewing Than Meets the Eye

If you are new to sewing, may I suggest following these instructions.

How to thread a sewing machine.
1. Be sure to have good lighting.
2. Put foot down.
3. Raise needle.
4. Hold thread, inspect end, trim if necessary.
5. Bend down into the light. Close one eye, squint with other.
6. With thumb and pointer finger guide thread toward the eye of the needle.
7. if it didn't go through the hole, wet fingers on tongue, pull thread through wet fingers and repeat steps 4 through 6.
8. if you are having no luck, may I suggest you find someone else to do this necessary step or perhaps find another project. Perhaps Knitting. No need to thread those needles.

Copyright © Virginia Gelok | Year Posted 2021

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Kitty, Kitty, Kitty

I lay very quiet till you open the door
Then I scurry clear across the floor.
I know that it's you and I can't wait
To have you scoop my food on the plate.
You're not quick enough so I begin to cry
I jump here and there and look you square in the eye.
I hop on the floor and rub against your leg
It's the only way I know to beg.
You push me aside and tell me to sit pretty
But I'm not a dog...I am your Kitty !
So I don't pay you no mind at all
And I start driving you right up the wall !
Finally, just as I knew you would
You give me my dinner...And boy is it good !

Copyright © Virginia Gelok | Year Posted 2021

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Just Before

What are you thinking as you look to the sky?
Do you remember the days that have gone by?
What are you searching for in that head of yours?
Are you looking for things you have yet to explore?
As you sit huddled in the chair over there,
Off in a daze, your eyes just stare.
I can read in your face as I look on,
This picture I see says something is wrong.
I didn't realize you lived with fear.
But that was before... and now you're not here.

Copyright © Virginia Gelok | Year Posted 2022


Book: Shattered Sighs