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Best Poems Written by Brian Rusch

Below are the all-time best Brian Rusch poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Morning Reflection

In morning’s dim light
Water says ‘please, let me too,
have my rainy day’

Watch... as sprinkling ends
Sun turning drops into mist
Then, see light sparkling.


Sun returns, ruling
Nature rising, playing games
All join in the dance

Human mindfulness…
Balance is the time keeper
Listening to songs

We all playing part
Learning to steward well
Less chaos set loose


Earth days turn to night
As Nature, resets it’s clock
Returning balance

For Earth remains first
Duty bound, makes playing fields
Equal to life’s needs.


So dancing returns
Life in magical rhythms
Even watchers learn

Where else new tunes found?
As more get up to join in
Even janitors.

Copyright © Brian Rusch | Year Posted 2024

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In Choosing Seclusion

Choice is a cause
Choosing brings effects.

Effects bring potential closure
Into perceived final ending.

Heart thoughts mitigate all
Rummaging memories

In choosing seclusion…
Quiet time, all looking for a fuller Self.

Please, no grief in this
Just joy, and understood tenderness.


Still, in understanding…

Tears of sadness and pain
Joy, and tenderness

All are Nature’s way
Of embracing Its Self

With me as the welcome party.

All the while Sun’s a’shining…
“In which ‘isness’, I wonder?”


For in this, one sees...
This me in I, again… expanding…

Towards enclosing effects 
Again within the whole of I… 
Though larger.

Hugging into a state of fully, balanced love
Or not…

Tears coming home to Earth-side
For reflection…

As was always intended
Tears, acknowledged, heralded as such… worthy. 

Joy or sorrow
The same… harsh water.


Turned to softer waters
Warming through the inviting, settled fires of skin

Into, around, absorbed into the more
Outside airs and spirits…
Streaming, steaming lightly

Drawn forth
Ah, to enter Earth’s softly sailing, misty airs

For more select flying in this world
Meeting more away-from-home-bound parts.


Home-bound parts… 
Looking for their own spirit-partners.

Oh see, they too are wily, absorbing 
Their needed life stream…

As spirit-to-spirit merges into higher natures
Providing their own heavenly comforts.

Truly all learning in this…
The Whole acknowledging…

The community knowing this eternal truth…

One is never truly alone.


Anywhere in the Cosmos finds this truth
Even into the Beyond Understanding.

Worth countless repeats…
‘One is never truly alone.’

I settle in, at peace knowing this…
Even drawing tears, welcome or not
Now understood… as my own truth…

One, truly alone…
That, I find smiling, is… an impossibility.

Copyright © Brian Rusch | Year Posted 2024

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Mystic Under the Bodhi Tree

A most beautiful day
The Son of Suns, shining brightly on us all
Not hot yet, but bright.

A million butterfly’s swarm
Lighting on and around
Myriads of flowers surrounding.

See them in such moving colors
Each on their own chosen way, their way
Together a measure of personality, entrancement, and beauty.

Colorful, fluttering profusion, vibrating around
Taking in Time’s special allowance, with me, in Nature
Bringing universal moments together, in such pure peace

Blessed am I, are we
To see the effect come ‘round.

In utter wonder, I clap one hand in boyish joy
And then race singing to the opposite side of the world
Arriving… so long ago.


Questioning here for an age
How long do I have to wait?

Though patiently waiting here…
It did seem I clapped eons ago.

Wondering… wanders in wonders
Like, if my number eight, times zero equals zero
Where does eight go?

Does it fade into nothingness
Or does eight's worth, travel to a place I can’t run to
Clever that… eight… knowing where to go.

Or was it ever there?
Was my hand even clapping
Caught up so in the Space of Air?


Indeed, was 'I' ever there, meaning…
Am 'I' truly here?
What math are we living?

If, it is worth a try, clap again!

Would this Time… there, be different?
Or should I just sit still in this shaded doorway.

A friend found
An old ancient Oak, there
Resting under this peaceful Bodhi Tree, here
Conspirators only, or keys to a hidden gate?

Brothers in intent…
Time merchants on duty
Opening just for pondering clapping questions.


Was the run around this World 
The most important thing learned?
Perhaps, just to comprehend the beginning-to-end
Of nothing?

Fancy that.

Laughing gaily under realization’s umbrella
All for nothing eh?
Zero return.

No, not quite…
I still sing, and dance.

Even if…
All for nothing… into foreverness.

Ah, so go I
So, go we all?
For the butterflies too, are somewhere.

I believe this Bodhi Tree knows…
As does the elder Oak
Why else invite sitting?

Copyright © Brian Rusch | Year Posted 2024

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Trails To Higher Inner, then Outer, 'Self' Understanding

I: Doorway to the Master Trail 

Using English, most all are aware of I, me, Me, My, and Mine
My and Mine being possessive, each own ‘stuff’ outside Self.

For this journey, we want to stay strictly personal, within the Self.

So, the doorway question 
Leading to greater Understandings lies in…

The difference between I, me, and Me.

To this Cheshire question... 
Apply yourself searching out ‘your’ own answer 
One that ’your heart, mind, and soul together’ find true.

True to you
Your own being.

Again, In this, look for, search for, and find
Your own serving Gate providing answer 
With the key to the Gate, increased 'Self' Understanding.
Write these three questions down...

Who am I? 
Who am me?
Who am, or are Me?

Speak them out loud, feel the separation?
Even possibly a disconnect between them.

Think on this
The separation, distance...

OK, interesting, “I” resonates
However, we are moving deeper than this.

So, write after speaking 
Addressing Self…

Explain the meaning of each of these three questions...

Who am I? 
Who am me?
Who am, or are Me?

Word by word writing them down
Repeating each question within 3 separate columns…

Columns with each a labelled heading… Space, Place, and Time.

Write your answer to each question
In the appropriate column.

You will then have 9 answers.

Who am I in this Space? 
Who am me in this Space?
Who am, or are Me in this Space?

Who am I in this Place? 
Who am me in this Place?
Who am, or are Me in this Place?

Who am I in this Time? 
Who am me in this Time?
Who am, or are Me in this Time?

Read and study what you have written about your Self
(Hint: Where is your true Self in all this?)

When, as understanding answers come
Following your learnings, then apply wisdom.

Taking a step up... 
Learning to understand fully this phrase...

Who am ’I’ truly in Space, Place, and Time?
This One more than me, or Me.

Let your own curiosity take you on from there
With How, What, Where, and When
Am ’I’ truly in Space, Place, and Time?

Then address... Why?
Follow that trail
It will lead finally to another Gate.

Spoiler: Secret key learned to opening that gate 
Is a four letter word
One that is also it’s own Gate.

I will not spoil it for you.

I leave that for you to find
It will bring deep tears to your eyes and senses

Answered... you will never be the same. 

Copyright © Brian Rusch | Year Posted 2024

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The Earth Abides - Reason for query

You asked, how can I laugh and live
And show no sign of fear to give?
In anger's grip, I too shout real loud
Yet, also in tears, I burst, my fears unbound.

Why be so critical then, you ask
To see just crap in life's broad cast
To sound so grumpy, old and worn
Is this the path we've proudly sworn?

Yes, brave I seek out the hard truths, sure
Then search to even learn some more
For sometimes one must cross
Through treacherous swamps...

To reach more pleasant shores.

Finding from all, truth is like a coconut
Tough and hairy, and rough outside
Yet once inside to the juice of it
Such glory does it hide.

Within its shell, find a creamy world
Pure gold glory lay inside
Where all that one cracks it for
Finds it well worth any ride.

Just throw away the hairy bits
Curse crackling that hard shell
For when one gets to the milk of this
Peaceful heaven lies inside hell.
Yes, I climb hot craggy hills
Wade through muddy rock-strewn streams
Freeze in the early morning hours
Going through such terrible extremes.

To find truth though is not all that grumpy
Tell me how else though can I act
To balance all out quite wisely
Understanding, unpleasant Earth facts.

Yearning for tenderness's embrace
Within the hard, finding a gentle face
For truth abides where it's least seen
To reveal it all, break it open, we must be keen.

See look, one part’s like gold 
The other to be purged like poisoned lead
Washed through life’s variable corrections
Burnished bright candle then to be lit, and fed.

For you know Santa Claus has left us
And Jesus, well, he has too
So it’s up to us, to find and light our truths
Else this place remains a devil’s zoo. 

So let us light our own true way
With good and bad, we'll find our path 
Through trials and tribulations, stay
And in our loving Earth, we'll safely bask.

Yes, now lit with good Life and Living 
Cracked open, well learned what’s truly inside
Seeing good and bad then wedged together
On loving Earth better lit bright, I can safely abide, not hide.

Wastes perceived, forgotten now
Many integral parts, I disavow
Without their role, no coconut whole
So in Earth's embrace, I, yes we, can find and live our soul.

Copyright © Brian Rusch | Year Posted 2024

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Nursing Home memories - Room mates I

Old Harry, Hungry

Elder Harry was happy
Excited to eat, like a child versus old
Cookie was first stuffed, eagerly eating

Following was rest of his dinner
Pasta, was told

First, sharp loud coughing from Harry  was sounding
Splashing vomit erupting following with flows
With no one there warning

‘Hey everybody, better hold closed your mouth
And hold fast your nose’.

Like a shot out of darkness
Any extra food up, and out was thrown
Leaving none left to swallow
As poor Harry groaned

With loud coughing as chorus
Carrying the river…

Churning projectiles
Filled up back Harry’s plate as he moaned

While I, right there by him
Hearing, not seeing the ruckus
Made a very quick exit 

In the closing off of my fertile mind...
Thankful for other’s actions
Relieving my duty…


I looked once again at my plate
Suddenly not hungry, a sign...

No cookie for me
Thus sent back to the kitchen

With full plate not eating
No longer wanting food to send. 


And now, I eat much faster
While Harry still looks at his plate…

If one of us is slower
Won’t be me hearing Harry’s mistake.

Copyright © Brian Rusch | Year Posted 2024

Details | Brian Rusch Poem

In Betweens

There must be always
Room for wild and free humor
Laughing at ourselves...

We do cry enough
Trying to better ourselves
In this journeying

Living together
This magnificent planet
Manifesting dreams

Beyond what we know
All, curious, within dreams
Searching for what's real.

So the days do pass
Perhaps Nature too, learning...
Higher Self-being.


Find comfort in this
Skirting Chaos like we do...
Better than Nothing.

Copyright © Brian Rusch | Year Posted 2024

Details | Brian Rusch Poem

The Blessed Best Choice

Angel’s discontent
Want more Earth experience
God made health workers.		


Angels of Sun’s light
Health servers to old and sick
Liveable days make

Examples… living
Showing man’s caring for man
Unselfish gifting 

Helping others live
Prime examples for us all
Not just days, years.


Health has many saints
Fighting devil’s many ills
Would more be like them.

Copyright © Brian Rusch | Year Posted 2024

Details | Brian Rusch Poem

On The Right Trail To Right End

Do I remember when...

Better breezes blew
Cleaner waters flowed
Teasing memory so... 

For I can hear them in quiet special times… can you?
Softly now, in your own silence… hear them…

‘Are we missed?’


I am old in age now
Quieter times abounding 
Uncovering foundations formed
If I’ll but listen and see, hear, feel, and touch

As heart strings are plucked
Taste those tunes as fed to my soul of souls

Ah, not to be used up after all.

Though quiet seems used up to apply itself to finish
Testing memory so... anything missed
For this finshing at the end coming?

To so truly see seeds of destruction sowed long ago
Here at fire’s cold lonely ending time

For debriefing ashes remaining
For cleansing, refreshment, and then refining
To prepare new grounds for planting.


Lessons learned left...
Never again so lying in barren Earth, unused.

For I can see new seeds need then be planted and sowed
I see  this, do you?

Planting over on top of old
Choose we then weeding
Which best, to allow to grow new

With actions from the past, still forthcoming bold...

Under sense of grander purpose perhaps
Mapping higher living’s ground
All intent in harvesting betterment

If in repeated days ahead, repeating as found.


I feel grander scenes being sent into our collective dreams
Getting sended from now our elder times
Quiet, inner dreamings, born.

Birthed over plans from my and my father’s dim reflections
And timings left before that, worn through the ages.

As we remember?

All racing to final right endings.

Right End being the Soul of Human Songs
Future singings in gentle abidings

Finding us found on better paths to Home.

Moment to moments passing
And passed through memory’s gates
Here we now weave

Laying carpets for future furniture
Right endings to mankind’s fate

Weave us well in Now Times.

Copyright © Brian Rusch | Year Posted 2024

Details | Brian Rusch Poem

Lingering Memories

Memories linger…
Where loves have come and gone
Blessing in deeds, the happy ones…

As lessons soothing
Threading into past life event’s
Make more valued, better memories 

Meanings made so much more clear
Even as curiosities rule days

So do I, am I, in finding my true Self…
Allowed to look for better pleasures
To grow even more...

So, in Sunset’s Time
As final rays fill my eyes
I humbly submit to… a very well done.

Copyright © Brian Rusch | Year Posted 2024


Book: Shattered Sighs