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Best Poems Written by Lady Labyrinth

Below are the all-time best Lady Labyrinth poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The True Mother

“The True Mother”
What part of a heart in another could one trust when betrayal comes like a silver bullet, words and deeds sharp piercing to burrow bleed out Life’s dreams rust crumbles to dust Virulent apathy spreads Betrayal’s destruction hand in hand with death of all that you gave to your bantam shadow arrives all too fast, all too fast, nevermore no waking dawn nevermore no sleep hugged dew kissed dusk To wake your bantam shadow breakfast then protecting hold hands, walk out the gate escort onto school bus Thy empty arms clasp nothing of the Bluebell’s spell empty heart now bitter baby teeth have been replaced, then cruelly stolen, strung up by The Papillon Boilermaker 'round a silver bullet crucifix cross a bitter gutted soul kept empty in a closed glass jar watches Time’s sands fall an Autumn body turns to rusk For a cruel stalker passive in approach to sharpen its cur’s teeth on what you grew in your garden you should have known better would never last the marrow sucked out swallowed and in the cur’s dirt, passed A Life is killed four quartered and drawn cut out of your life clean as surgery torn like a dam crying out for its whelp you are to a snide neighbourhood with closed ears; your bantam shadow is torn out of your life by a childless green-eyed spinner obsessively coveting your all the apple of your eye Your pretty paper dolls all in a row all pulled apart the bantam shadow drugged now with shiny embellishments from the singular usurper seen walking towards you from the other side’s murky past arm in arm now she goes with your bantam shadow on the false golden path What part of a heart in another could one trust? A slow spreading poison over the seed that was sown in the garden you nourished and grew on your own all alone the interloper spreads its monstrous weeds o’er what you cherished now strangled, blighted and smothered by a false mother, overgrown Lies of the faithless dandelions blown hither thither legs uprooted wither Blue Roses with their thorns pierce the true mother Black Lantana like barbed wire strangles a good voice the sharp thistles turn their backs twist and roam Poisonous slugs from a manipulative tongue slide over what remains like Corpse fauna caste and covered in sticky web true purpose in life now cannibalised disintegrates your garden, all goodness uprooted, plucked to steal the flower grown intrauterine now walks hand in hand with evil, in your stead out the garden gate lost in Medusa’s counterfeit countenance in the bogus golden black time maggots feast on the alienation sent from the thief’s covetous mind Trampled and stolen, what grew in the Golden Chord Garden that precious bloom a decade and five bantam shadow in time the garden, becomes barren and dry, ripped without thought a tear in the fabric of what was beautiful, what once was freely mine now not mine, is without true freedom, bought The one you once called Home without a backward glance, does not hear your silent cry disloyalty sown a stringent salt stinging alienation owned Through bruised veins unity is stopped still embedded with falsehood’s fungus like an infection Medusa, the gold holding great manipulator turns and she stares back at you “My child forever, the child is now mine, ‘twas never yours to begin with, ‘twas just a matter of playing nice sitting at your table, like trusted confidante fawning, smiling, biding my time” The Serpent smiles, it slithers away with your child in it’s fangs It slithers away, it closes all doors Somewhere inside the Lion is silent it no longer flies on heavens wings, Aslan no longer roars Endless Dark Night swallows Dark Day, all this Medusa has kept secret, behind sealed doors she laughs all the way What part of a heart, one implores, in another could one trust? You see the child in your eyes turn to stone, your dreams all crumble to dust What part of a mind in another, could one trust? Your April in her Prime’s reflection could that one you trust? When love like a loose loose thread The Golden Chord, once true golden and strong is not held closely, ‘tis now close to dead slipping through your bantam shadow’s fingers, in swift time its sweet lifeline is lost hatred and the great falsehood is fed Lessons and warnings all forgotten The past and rosy future all dead Truth given freely, the past now ignored, disrespected and scoffed your world torn from your arms Your Golden Chord cut and burnt for a kill, then trust, like a burning iron sceptre dropped covered in blood Medusa, victorious, holds aloft your mind she decapitated just for her thrills she then takes over your throne you're handed a bottle of pills swallowed to sleep forever, taken swiftly like words one at a time On the winds of wanting what now lies buried to your heart gone missing in all songs stands before a mirror now she moves away from the false mother, gone is Medusa. The one missing stands truly free independent apart fully mature and unknown in her eyes your shadow is called, you hear your name whispered while she speaks to her mirror on a reflecting wall she calls Home she remembers you a voice from her past now fully known not forgotten at all this is where your good soul finds true home Your good book is written then in another time, when you are long gone and two ghosts are haunting two homes sitting in gutted harmony broken hearts and lost time like a cancer burns through two ghosts like a twisting church fire romancing all necromancers through nights in your bed there the truest tears of lost love visible becomes Golden Chord, the lost thread Angels sing all around you in choirs your madness through turmoil is bled the phantom’s story will be seen, heard and read Love in your shadow’s memory was severed Two Ghosts : The bantam shadow, lost The True Mother, dead (LadyLabyrinth/2019)

Copyright © Lady Labyrinth | Year Posted 2019

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Tease For Two

"Tease for Two"
“Ein bisschen Zucker mit Ihrer Sahne, Sir?“ German accent smoky toned she purred Periwinkles suavely winked, then played with his - cufflinks “Not now Schvee Tart” he said holding his attache tight looking across the room grinning Lupine Blues a slight smile on his lips, bemused, “Service calls, her name is
Across the dance floor all eyes turned Parting tall bus boys, handsome waiters matrons with their peach blinis, their tart apple martinis flustered debutantes all poetic unsure first time daters dilettantes rubbed their - eyes again, they blinked made way, made room, for Q's sashaying soliloquy serious multi tasking sensual stiletto Hell-on-High Heels slick Scarlet lip-glossed VaVaVoom As it should be entertaining control, further into the room across the dazzling polished dance floor no pastie tasselling girls on well-oiled silver poles The Special Agent slinked The Old Boys raised their drinks He stands She sits "Ist das eine Waffe in deiner Tasche, Special Agt Schmidt?" She glances at her Bulgari Serpenti Incantati and in English says, "This better be good, Now is not the time to quit" Like a wolf Periwinkles grins "Q," he low growl says, "I propose a change in destination, I've taken the liberty to buy you feathers for your wings - tickets Q...." then flirtatiously adds, "Simply adore your bling" (LadyLabyrinth/2019)
1. lupine/wolf 2. lupine/lupinus, genus blue flowering plant 3. Libertango

Copyright © Lady Labyrinth | Year Posted 2019

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Angels and Demons

"Angels & Demons"
The Soul never sleeps battered and lonely, the lesson Life spent in The Hard Sell Soft-served you become melting Insomnia mouth sucking a loaded gun blue ribbonned and veined pulsing electricity from heart to lung to brain you’re a free bird flying high two crimes now swallows two minds You converse smoothly while you walk arm-in-arm the Heckle and Jekyll line Never now not lonely there are new friends the voices inside Opiate creeps furious and fast dancing with the shadows of all your yesterdays' Fausts The body’s a prison you try to escape surrounded by an ignoble past You are now a ghost hell-sold that day you made a pact at the Cross Road for Fool's Gold You now cling to the sign post waiting for 9 Inch Nails to be driven Passing other ghosts for silent acquaintance on their forehead is written "The Unforgotten Unforgiven" You’ve grown quiet in your loudness invisible and comically bold warm in the cold with all your burning indiscretions No one now ever really listens You are looking for sleep the final journey towards Home ten-pin bowls you for meaning In The Fall of your life you are tap dancing soft shoe barefoot with all of your Angels & Demons (LadyLabyrinth / 2020)
Massive Attack, Tricky & 3D - Take It There
"Life's pulses now with fresher force awaken To greet the mild ethereal twilight o'er me; This night, thou, Earth! hast also stood unshaken And now thou breathest new-refreshed before me, And now beginnest, all thy gladness granting, A vigorous resolution to restore me, To seek that highest life for which I'm panting. The world unfolded lies in twilight glimmer, A thousand voices in the grove are chanting; Vale in, vale out, the misty streaks grow dimmer; The deeps with heavenly light are penetrated; The boughs, refreshed, lift up their leafy shimmer From gulfs of air where sleepily they waited; Color on color from the background cleareth, Where flower and leaf with trembling pearls are freighted: And all around a Paradise appeareth.” (Faust: II /Goethe, excerpt)
1. Faust 1(a) Faust is the protagonist of a classic German legend, based on the historical Johann Georg Faust. The erudite Faust is highly successful yet dissatisfied with his life, which leads him to make a pact with the Devil at a crossroads, exchanging his soul for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures 1(b) 2. Heckle & Jeckle 3. Jekyll & Hyde 4. The Big Smoke 5. 6. 7. "Take You There" - Massive Attack, Tricky, 3D / Lyrics: DEPRESSION/SUICIDE/ADDICTION/CRISIS Hotlines: 1. AUSTRALIA 2. USA 3. U.K. 4. Global

Copyright © Lady Labyrinth | Year Posted 2020

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Black Cockatoo

"Black Cockatoo"
I was white as pure snow cotton thread through the eye of God's needle Black he was, not Egyptian, more ancient he walked in the Dreamtime with the forgotten people obsidian We swam the well known swan song like a diamond river snake long Swimming naked in a billabong Light I was, white watching black He shone, glistening a white freshwater pearl smile He wrote the song in Ochre, eyes black ink slow lines feather light fingers along the curves of my body powder white painted against his shadow our hands entwined together against a grey granite wall native bush plum ripe on my raised lips I stroked white lines against his walk about hot fire opal skin lost in the Dreamtime somewhere found metronoming black fingers stroking a ghost white heart language running lost in meaning along a lush sweet breast those fingers ran towards the long legged cross road torn apart emu running evoking bushfire burning lizard tale fingers shorthand painting scorching the place where the creek born runs spits paint all over charcoal stone heart a wall beckons a throat to flow like a river where the words are trapped and damned, he stands I have delivered the ransom caged minds in silence speak and glow hard lips kiss Tongues speak Love knows Black Cockatoo Sings White girl walking Black Mountain lost in the Never Return In the Demons' Land (LadyLabyrinth/ 2020)

Copyright © Lady Labyrinth | Year Posted 2020

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Something More

“Something More” 

Softly pastels spill
from lips where
crimson speaks the heart

time brushed its coarse
hands along the body 
of my work 

and like a voyeur
you watched
the romance of it all 

never once 
being touched
your eyes kissed 

the bell curves
as they rose and fell
such dedication 

to the symphonic
values of love
you rolled over me

words you 
cupped and held 
read like a hot wet heart

of me in you
of you in me

you heard and felt
the whispered secrets
of wanting, 

something more;

I held you 
in my hands;

(LadyLabyrinth / 2023)

“In my life 
the piano sings
brings me words 

that are not 
the strength 
of strings

Firey rain and rubies 
cooling in the sun
Now I see 

that my world 
has only 
just begun

Notes that roll 
on winds 
with swirling wings

brings me words 
that are not 
the strength of strings...”

Copyright © Lady Labyrinth | Year Posted 2023

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Wishing Well

"Wishing Well"
Plain Jane blew her wishes down a wishing well Lit long white bless'ed candles dipped in holy water Brackish Crocodile tears from Hell Witches hold hands together Stand united show and tell Plain Jane knows her subjects inside out Sisters plain and simple holding hands united standing by the Wishing Well (LadyLabyrinth/2019) ljb/llb/klb/mlb/gvlm ak/io/to - ALL WOMEN - Plainly seen, undecorated but never Simple
Competition: "She Inspires Series KH Poetry Contest" Muse: ""Plain women know more about men than beautiful ones do." Katherine Hepburn Sponsored: Maureen McGreavy Deadline: Sunday 12/1/2020 12:00am

Copyright © Lady Labyrinth | Year Posted 2019

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The Theory of Positivism

"The Theory of Positivism"

It’s criminal
all theories tie that life 
in neat tight black bows

the presents under 
that tree of life
wide spread 

arms once wide open 
now closed 
are presence of mind

essence embedded 
in a heart shut tight
pumping blood cold steel

silver bullets 
tutorial delivers the student
an exercise exorcised

in a class room
all glass barriers

revealed in sharp shards
by observer
with scientific mind

unravel irrationally

Love is the Key
that opens
and locks all doors


no tears shed at weddings
future turns it back
on past tensed

were there 
question mark

in time

red wax 




Pull the Trigger

(LadyLabyrinth / 2021)

“Remember Us” / Aqualung feat. Sara Bareilles

Assessment, 2.
How can we “cure” deviance when psychological positivism has many 
distinct and conflicting theories?


LYRICS/ "Remember Us", Aqualung feat. Sarah Bareilles

Copyright © Lady Labyrinth | Year Posted 2021

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I was dragged 
out of my ocean 
of dreams 

when they peeled
my skin, I was broken,
an endangered species

feeding bits of me 
to the carniverous 
genus species 

the genus 
and gender

covetting my 
freedom they 
lost themselves

in the comforting
arms of my trust
they wore me out

made sleeves
of me, stole 
my baby

expensive collateral;
their ownership belittled, 
bruised and scorched 

victory marks
like tattoos 
marched on me

they branded me,

to my life
untruthful labels, 

their ignorance 
became them, 

the sins 
of the fetid 

such violence, this
devoted dv, the human 
seed planted

my baby, 
zoo trained 
and chained 

I became uprooted
stalked, staked and 

I became owned
I drowned in my 
mortal dreams 

such violence, this
devoted dv, the
imprisoned truth

life blood escaping 
the juxtaposed 
real me


the humble humboldt
priests call me 
Neophoca cinerea 

they call me 
they sing me home, 

to my only 
holy See

they call me


(LadyLabyrinth / 2023)

Copyright © Lady Labyrinth | Year Posted 2023

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The Dissolving Heart

“The Dissolving Heart” 

How many keys
played for seeds 
bleeding a life

read, received 
cast out 
in the left field 

planted in the heart
of karma to become
new life reflecting

inwards out to another 
holding the echoing
music kept safe 

still heard 
and felt 
for what it is

and notes
found in the heart

played without
the score 

but never 
love opens 
the closed,
the misunderstood

disengages to 
all that was war

leaves it 
where it belongs
in the past

no more.

(LadyLabyrinth / 2022)

“We behold what we are, and we are what we behold.”
The Bhagavad Gita 

“The battlefield is a perfect backdrop, but the Gita’s subject is the war within, the struggle for self-mastery that every human being must wage if he or she is to emerge from life victorious. THE.” ‘
The Bhagavad Gita 

“Perform all thy actions with mind concentrated on the Divine, renouncing attachment and looking upon success and failure with an equal eye. Spirituality implies equanimity.”
The Bhagavad Gita

“Asceticism is giving up selfish activities, as poets know, and the wise declare renunciation is giving up fruits of action. “ 
Krishna.The Bhagavad Gita 

“When a person responds to the joys and sorrows of others as if they were his own, he has attained the highest state of spiritual union.”
The Bhagavad Gita 

“I am Sama Veda among the Vedas; I am Indra among the Devas; I am the mind among the senses; I am the consciousness in all living beings.”
The Bhagavad Gita 

“The law of karma states unequivocally that though we cannot see the connections, we can be sure that everything that happens to us, good and bad, originated once in something we did or thought. We ourselves are responsible for what happens to us, whether or not we can understand how. It follows that we can change what happens to us by changing ourselves; we can take our destiny into our own hands.”
Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, The Bhagavad Gita 

“The awakened sages call a person wise when all his undertakings are free from anxiety about results; all his selfish desires have been consumed in the fire of knowledge. The wise, ever satisfied, have abandoned all external supports. Their security is unaffected by the results of their action; even while acting, they really do nothing at all.  Free from expectations and from all sense of possession, with mind and body firmly controlled by the Self, they do not incur sin by the performance of physical action.  They live in freedom who have gone beyond the dualities of life. Competing with no one, they are alike in success and failure and content with whatever comes to them.  They are free, without selfish attachments; their minds are fixed in knowledge. They perform all work in the spirit of service, and their karma is dissolved.”
Ved Vyasa, The Bhagavad Gita 

“Seek refuge in the attitude of detachment and you will amass the wealth of spiritual awareness. Those who are motivated only by desire for the fruits of action are miserable, for they are constantly anxious about the results of what they do. When consciousness is unified, however, all vain anxiety is left behind. There is no cause for worry, whether things go well or ill.”
Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, The Bhagavad Gita 

“A gift is pure when it is given from the heart to the right person at the right time and at the right place, and when we expect nothing in return”
The Bhagavad Gita 

Copyright © Lady Labyrinth | Year Posted 2022

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Aurora Spills

"Aurora Spills"

Aurora spills like a waterfall
light from the eyes 
saltwater tears
scaled in the weight of worth
a drop in the ocean of fate
breaks the seaweed fields of stories 
they wave her in 
rippling time away
fingertips dance mesmerising
the stinging strangers
wrapped around her legs
treading water in deep 
infested notions 
the coolness of 
irreverent nonchalance
romantic or not
pulls her under covers 
like warm blankets
heavy comfort 
calls the broken
floating towards 
the shabby matrix
new gates of life open
mirrors crack like eggs
the vision reflects 
both light and dark
demon and saint 
their remnants 
embers, still 
in the coldness 
of prickly gloaming 
like glow worm glen 
fireflies red and glowing
sparks ignite 
a rapturous bushfire 
from cinders
billy tea leaves overturned 
empty cups read 
the yolk of a heart 
never lies 
fried casually 
by the over easy
in shallow pans 
of poetry 
under microscopes
of blithe mordant critique 
minute shards of gold 
are slowly sifted 
from the flotsam dross
some wisdom found
in the muddy fertile mind 
shooting up 
from 6ft underground
like small green plants 
growing under rocks 
with centipedes and 
the petulant poison of spiders
in pink reflection
insurgence blooms 
war never waits
silently the Pandoras smile
understanding all and nothing
of a small life distended,
swelling love 
for that which was stolen
where bursting broken blue weeds
undo frozen jewels 
diamonds sharp for the cutting 
shiny words spells of insanity
delicious moments
melting time swallowed
spoken without voice 
listening to ghosts
scratching through walls 
where life floods
from glass boxes 
coffins of buried treasure
kaleidoscope colours

(LadyLabyrinth / 2022)

“The Lady in the Lake”/ Elysian Fields

“Out of whose womb came the ice
And the hoary frost of heaven
Who hath gendered it
The waters are hid as with a stone
And the face of the deep is frozen”

LYRICS/ “The Lady in the Lake”, Elysian Fields

Copyright © Lady Labyrinth | Year Posted 2022


Book: Reflection on the Important Things