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Best Poems Written by Ann Gilmour

Below are the all-time best Ann Gilmour poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Flawless Gems - Lei

A rainbow took my breath away
Whilst on a train one summers day

Her vibrant arc I was in awe
Though folk beside me never saw

With heads bowed low they missed the show
The screens their windows, don’t you know

All Mother Nature’s flawless gems
Score well below the latest trends

Written 28th December 2019 

Lay poetry
8 lines ~ 8 syllables ~ AABBCCDD

POTD - 29 December 2019

Contest: LAY IT ON ME 8X8
Sponsor: Charles Messina

Contest: Strand Select 6
Sponsor: Brian Strand

1st PLACE in Best New Poems 
16th - 27th January 2020

Published in a previous Poetry Soup Anthology 2020

Copyright © Ann Gilmour | Year Posted 2019

Details | Ann Gilmour Poem


Reaching for your hand 
but knowing you have gone
I hear the birds begin to sing
their early morning song
Yearning for to stroke again 
your shiny chemo head
but now your empty pillow 
beside me lies instead
As I awake this morning
alone inside my bed
my heart is truly breaking 
for so many lonely years
and that is why this morning
I have shed so many tears...

Written 6th April 2019

Contest Favourite Poem From Last Week March 31st to April 6th 2019
Sponsor Lu Loo 
1st place

Contest April 2019 Premier 6 14 lines
Sponsor Brian Strand
7th place in Premier contest

Number One in 100 Best New Poems list for the month - 4th May 2019

Contest 'L' contest old or new
Sponsor Constance La France

Copyright © Ann Gilmour | Year Posted 2019

Details | Ann Gilmour Poem

As Usual She Did Not Take Part

I’ll never forget what’s her name
A PE teacher and ogre she became
For I was such a sickly child
it really made this ogre wild
Held in my hand a medical certificate 
exempted from all things physical
with Rheumatic Fever and St Vitus’ Dance
for me to take part ~  there was no chance
Instead I assisted the Deputy Head
with clerical duties I helped him instead
But clearly this really annoyed her 
As she gave me her evil stare
She appeared to be looking right through me
No words were spoken ~ was I even there

Each and every year she wrote 
inside my school report
A snide remark that ended with 
“as usual she did not take part”
For I was told such illnesses 
Could leave me with a weakened heart
And so upon Doctor’s orders
in PE I was not to take part
I can still see her face 
As she filled me with fear
No compassionate words 
from her lips I could hear
Whilst illnesses kept me off school for a year

It’s time I let go of this nasty so and so
For she left planet Earth a long time ago

And my heart ~ it still beats 
I’m so glad to be here
With a smile on my face
I have no one to fear

*This was sadly a true story which whilst writing this poem, brought back some of the feelings, which by her actions she made me feel – she made me feel weak and insignificant because I could not partake in any physical education classes, but I did become a very competent secretary in adulthood, so all that clerical work for the Deputy Head was clearly beneficial…some teachers have a lot to answer for...

21st September 2019

9th place ~ Premier Contest
Sponsor: John Lawless

Contest Name STRAND CHOICE 7,
Sponsor Brian Strand
3rd Place

Copyright © Ann Gilmour | Year Posted 2019

Details | Ann Gilmour Poem

The Brighton Rose

A rose named Brighton For your funeral flowers A stunning golden yellow hue The place you were born Son But now sadly gone Son This yellow rose so perfect I pray my Son you see it too A year has gone by Your family and I here to celebrate your life your son ~ your daughter ~ your mum ~ your wife We take a short walk to the Bandstand looking to the sea beyond For our gift to you is the Brighton rose A symbol of our love But oh my Son you had other ideas Was it you ~ were you having some fun For the rose kept returning Despite the tide turning And kept ending up on the beach in the sun Several times your dear son threw it back in the sea but each time it returned did you send it back for me With love in our hearts we shed a few tears When all of a sudden a small child appears Clutched in her hand a pink fishing net Wondering what she would catch And before we could stop her your rose she doth net As we sensed her excitement skipping over the stones our mouths were wide open ~ our eyes they met She was showing her mother your rose in her net Your wife at this point She dashed to retrieve saying … ‘The rose was for my husband we had put it in the sea So I would be very grateful if you return the rose to me’ Her mother she was mortified and handed back your rose and once again your yellow rose floated in a wintery sea though still returned again and again and that is when you spoke to me ‘Mum please don't you see I am cold I am wet take me home I plea Do not leave me in the sea’ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ The yellow rose I dried and tears of joy I cried now in a vase here next to me your Brighton Rose now here forever just for me to see…
Written 17th November 2020 Contest ALL YOURS (JAN 24) Sponsor Brian Strand N/A

Copyright © Ann Gilmour | Year Posted 2020

Details | Ann Gilmour Poem

Irene Queen of Cats

Dearest Irene Queen of Cats Your dear Panagiota Will soon be back Wait patiently Irene And before too long You'll hear her voice Singing you a song And she'll be dressed In her feather boa With a spring in her step Looking just as you know her As you run to meet her You can't wait to greet her She's the one you adore Walking through the door As you snuggle up together ~ forevermore... Written 9th November 2021 ~ for dear Irene QUEEN OF CATS ^~^ Panagiota's beloved cat ~ may they be reunited soon... POEM OF THE DAY 10.11.21 Contest A STRAND (1069) Sponsor Brian Strand N/A

Copyright © Ann Gilmour | Year Posted 2021

Details | Ann Gilmour Poem

I Am Touching the Sky

    down my spine
for me it’s nearly time
my very first performance
in the Parkinson’s choir

Practising the songs
            and night
memorising lyrics
ready for tonight
but now my mind is blank
don’t even know my name
     oh golly ~ oh gosh 
will they ever want me back again

The music it begins
and the soloist she sings
awaiting for our cue
before we can begin
Our voices sing in harmony
blend beautifully as one
    uplifting ~ euphoric
a joyous sound we make
I am reaching new heights
as my heart starts to race
adrenaline is rising
    I am touching the sky...

Lyrics so poignant
bring tears to my eyes
        rise to a crescendo
        can't be disguised

Audience is roaring
with rapturous applause
    I am wrecked
        I am crying
            I am smiling
                I'm on fire

    And my soul…
        well really ~ truly
it could not get any higher

Written 27th July 2019  -  after performing in the Parkinson’s Choir for the first time…

1st October 2019
Contest Name	Your Best Poem That is Trophy Worthy (Premiere Contest Trophy) 
Contest 2
Sponsor: Tania Kitchin

This was such an uplifting experience for me and as soon as I arrived home I had to express my utter joy and euphoria felt during and after our performance otherwise I would have burst! It is without doubt one of my favourite poems for it came from deep within my soul and I truly was "Touching the Sky"...

Contest N/A rerun 5
Sponsor John Hamilton 
3rd Place

Contest Name  Favourite Poem from June 2019 or July 2019
Sponsor Julia Wardn
Poem written 07.27.2019

Contest Brian's Choice 10
Sponsor Brian Strand 

Copyright © Ann Gilmour | Year Posted 2019

Details | Ann Gilmour Poem

Two Years Now Gone

A yellow dawn two years now gone
A yellow rose to mark the day
The day when you were taken son
For even now I wonder why through endless tears I cry
My darling son ~ my only one ~ taken far too soon
I had no chance to hold your hand or even say goodbye...

Written 18th October 2021
This day two years ago my only son was taken far too soon ~ aged just 49...

Sponsor Line  Gauthier

Copyright © Ann Gilmour | Year Posted 2021

Details | Ann Gilmour Poem

I Am

I am a girl born on the very day and date predicted
I am a girl who lived her life from deep inside her heart
I am a girl that delicate child just like a fragile flower
I am a girl so shy was I an introvert so often hurt
I am a girl each day seemed like a challenge to encounter
I am a girl who struggled with life of a nervous disposition 
I am a girl who found a tranquil place inside her books instead
I am a girl ~ a woman now, who met her soul mate and fell in love
I am a wife ~ a lover ~ a friend our love so deep will never end
I am a mother ~ her child a son, her dearest boy, her only one
I am a nurse as cancer came it took my love and left such pain
I am a widow distraught alone my heart is broken my soul has died 
I am a girl ~ a mother ~ a wife ~ I slowly begin another life
I am a mother ~ her only child, died without warning one sunny morning
I am a poet asking why and search for solace from moon up high 
       my inner child she weeps she cries ~ she laughs she smiles  
            she keeps me sane ~ until that day, that special day, 
                               when we will meet again…

Written 28th April 2020

Sponsor Andrea Dietrich
2nd Place

Contest Brian's Choice J
Sponsor Brian Strand

Copyright © Ann Gilmour | Year Posted 2020

Details | Ann Gilmour Poem

84 Charing Cross Road

It did not cost a fortune 
and gave her so much joy
I sent a book 
to a lovely friend 
‘twas second hand
though good as new
I love the odour 
      I love the look
          I love to hold
            a second hand book

Reminds me of a film I saw
about a man named Frank 
he ran a second hand bookshop
at 84 Charing Cross Road
A labour of love for many years
a commemorative plaque now marks the spot

True tale I’m told
of a New York gal
Helene Hanff her name
Over twenty years 
she wrote to Frank
requesting books so rare
He found for her the 
    books she yearned
       the words she loved
           deep friendship theirs
as each and every book he wrapped
with tenderness and loving care

But sad to say they never met...
Frank died in ‘68
a bond was made
by books she craved
their story in this film was made

But I digress and must impress 
these words I need to say
Please never throw a book away 
when at the end give to a friend
It will truly make their day…

Written 5th August 2020

84 Charing Cross Road, by Helene Hanff, is an entertaining, evocative and moving collection of letters sent by the author, from her home in New York, to the staff at an antiquarian bookshop in London. Their correspondence spanned twenty years and resulted in a valued friendship.  84, Charing Cross Road is about love of books and words, and friendship. .... Such was their fate that Helene Hanff and Frank Doel never met. Frank died in December 1968 from peritonitis from a burst appendix, and the bookshop eventually closed.  Helen Hanff did visit London in 1971 when she met Frank’s widow.

Contest Strand Completely New (17)
Sponsor Brian Strand

Copyright © Ann Gilmour | Year Posted 2020

Details | Ann Gilmour Poem

I Saw You Standing There

That day we met
‘twas summer ‘63
at the local hop
you sidled up to me
You took my hand 
  we danced 
     my heart 
        my soul 
          were way up high          
almost touched the sky

You walked me
to my bus stop
Bid me a fond farewell
We were to meet   
   same day
     same place
      same time
a week from now

That truly was the longest week
Oh how I longed 
for you to meet
    to sing 
      to dance
        to talk romance

The day arrived 
I had survived
I saw you standing there
   I knew
     for sure
never looked for more
We were the perfect pair

That boy in ‘63
He stole my heart
away from me
And sixty one years on
   a piece
     of my heart
       was now gone
When you left 
  oh how I cried
        the day you died

Looking back over
my life with you
What more could I desire
My darling dear
true love of my life
For when you chose me for your wife
  my husband
     my lover
       there was no other
              I am 
       I always will be…
   Your ever loving wife

Written 11th April 2022

Sponsor Brian Strand

Copyright © Ann Gilmour | Year Posted 2022


Book: Reflection on the Important Things