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Best Poems Written by David Hyatt-Bickle

Below are the all-time best David Hyatt-Bickle poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Norea in the Garden of Birds

“Father of All, Hoopoe of the Shining Light 
Voice of Truth, singing above pits of night 
Light singing in heaven’s tree above the height 
Barbelo in the heights unthinkable 
Nous incorruptible, Word untouchable 
Forefather whose voice is unspeakable 
Father whose feathers are impenetrable” 

Norea the phoenix cried with tears in eyes 
Heaven’s birds heard and flew her to the skies 
To the eternal garden of endless size 
Under the singing doves of holy glass 
That her head may rest in Epinoia’s grass 
Resting under the wings of Adamas 
To attain her first mind through Christ’s wings of brass 

So, in this place, she breathes forth offspring herself 
She has been gifted the Logos itself 
She sings with the soul of Adamas himself 
In unity with the undying birds  
Singing immediately with life-filled words
With the eagle of Christ, the guide of herds 
Resting in the light which she knew before words 

Dwelling through the mind of mankind’s forefather 
That Invisible Simurgh, the founder 
She gives praise to the hoopoe bird, her father 
She rests in the Gardens of rest and light 
There are days where she beholds the Garden’s might 
Her soul will be ever filled to the height 
For she has the four doves, whose glass wings shine bright 

The stained glass doves intercede for her again 
To Adamas, in his heavenly den 
That Hoopoe who rests in all the race of men
Housing Norea’s joy in his feathers 
Who sings about the one name without measures 
“All-Father, Hoopoe of holy pleasures 
Voice of Truth, singing beyond earthly treasures”

Copyright © David Hyatt-Bickle | Year Posted 2024

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Threefold Flame of Christ

Christ the Suffering is the fire of love 
The red flame that flows within every plant, person and dove 
Who sacrificed itself on each tree in sight 
For the eventual victory of the tranquil light 

Christ the Messiah is the flame of power 
The golden fire that shines goodness into each flower 
Showing its life to those asleep during night 
Repelling the endless shadow of night through its hot might 

Christ the Luminous is the flame of wisdom 
The blue fire that unveils the all and heaven’s kingdom 
Illuminating the caged brain all the way through 
Releasing the caged bird to the endless expanse of blue 

This is the triple powered flame unquenching 
Shining as three endless lamps but is a single white light

Copyright © David Hyatt-Bickle | Year Posted 2022

Details | David Hyatt-Bickle Poem

Where Is God's Kingdom

Some say that God’s kingdom is in the sky, or in the sea
The birds would reach the sky before you, the small fish would have found it
The kingdom is in us and outside us, we’re children of its king 

A poem based on a translation of the Gospel of Thomas (the language of the work being Coptic).

Copyright © David Hyatt-Bickle | Year Posted 2021

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What the Light Mind Yields

truth peeled
hearts healed

Copyright © David Hyatt-Bickle | Year Posted 2022

Details | David Hyatt-Bickle Poem

Trip To Taize

In days long past, my school did a pilgrimage to a small land of peace and reconciliation, that lay in the nation of passion and revolution. As a community from nations near and far, we all ate simple food in the daylight flavouring the fresh air, allowing us all to discover joy in pearls hidden in fields. I listened and sang hymns of honey given by the monks dressed in white. Through the songs on my tongue, I tasted gladness of heart and peace in mind, though sometimes the words were a mystery to me. I spent my personal time in the chapel, sitting in silent worship amid polished stone with orange windows. I listened to the peace of flowing milk around me, and the occasional drip touching my tongue. I did not understand the divine flowing all around and within me, though I felt its gentle touch. It was a mystery to me, incompressible and veiled by my shackles. A mystery that I had not comprehended at that time, till I took a bit of fruit in years after. But the hymns of sweet honey and the flowing milk was but a faint taste to me. I was not a Christian back then as I am now. I was still led along by the hope of a New Age back then. Though the milk and honey were sweet to my tongue, I could not have swallowed the medicine they contained within. Yaldabaoth had chained my neck tight by his words and by his mirages of the desert, until I found the Tree of Gnosis that unlocked my neck and heart later in life. As such, the milk, honey or any beverage of the spirit were not my found treasure there, but the friends that journeyed with me. They were a mountain filled with greenery for me. Birds were tweeting in laughter, and the trees were rustling in chatter. Wind was playing games in the branches, and the sun was shining over this all. We all slept and hung out in tents at night when there was no blistering sunlight showering us. That was a mountain of friendship I never climbed before and never climbed up again. Only memories of the mountain peak of shining white remain. I can no longer see that princess of moonlight now, though I was closest to her on the mountain peak. I felt her cool breath amidst the stars, and I heard her laughter among the trees at daylight. 

On the green mountain 
With honey and pearly milk 
Laughing with the moon

Copyright © David Hyatt-Bickle | Year Posted 2023

Details | David Hyatt-Bickle Poem

Ghosts of Qianku

In the large nation that nests 
The Azure Dragon that now rests 
There is a town with no pests 
Where ghosts slain by the dragon rests 
Who were angels of light sent 
Linger and worship to the present 

Within the sun’s sight so bright 
In accordance with the moon’s light
These ghosts wear clothes of pure white 
To mourn for those trapped in life’s night
Who will be reborn again 
Till they see the living Mani’s zen

In the Sunlight Buddha’s beams
And the Moonlight Buddha’s dreams
Ghosts worship these twins in teams
Once knowing that these twins were streams
That carried souls from nightmares
To their living family who cares

Within the Buddha Mani’s will
According to the moon’s skill
No blood of flesh is to spill
No flesh is used to get a fill
These ghosts eat only things grown
From what the sun’s light has kindly sown

In the Buddha’s light so nice
And in their ancestor’s advice
Ghosts that roam the rivers and ice
Eat only three bites of white rice
In memory of the meals
They all once welcomed and how food feels

In incense smoke to ponder 
Where the dragon breathed much thunder 
These spirits do not wander 
Into other realms and maunder 
In the large nation that homes
The Azure Dragon that now roams

Copyright © David Hyatt-Bickle | Year Posted 2022

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The Prince of Darkness Vs the Father of Greatness

His lips are the west gates of night
His lips are the east gates of light
Bursting night and light, we say thus:
“Lord, Father, have mercy on us”

His height is the five depths we view
His height is the ten skies of blue
Deep chasm and sky’s tower, thus:
“Lord, Father, have mercy on us”

He sits on wheels of fate that binds
He sits on the wheels of blessed winds
Wheels of stars, wheels moved by wind, thus:
“Lord, Father, have mercy on us”

Has a burning scroll blistering
Has a burning scroll flickering
Destroying flames, cleansing flames, thus:
“Lord, Father, have mercy on us”

His hand holds a wolf with no love
His hand has an eagle and dove
Earth bound demons, sky angels, thus:
“Lord, Father, have mercy on us”

His eyes are the black stars of might
His eyes are the sun in its light
Dead stars and twin suns that shine, thus:
“Lord, Father, have mercy on us”

Comets shaking, planets falling
The earth shaking, the skies crawling
When Jesus the Splendour comes, thus:
“Lord, Father, have mercy on us”

We must stay away from the night
The bondage of the prince of might
Lord guide us to you; we say thus:
“Lord, Father, have mercy on us”

Copyright © David Hyatt-Bickle | Year Posted 2022

Details | David Hyatt-Bickle Poem

Basil the Bogomil

Basil the Bogomil and his good friends were preaching the truth in all its light, about Jesus Christ’s mercy in the world’s pitch darkness. Though they harmed no man or creature, asking for no riches, they gathered enemies while preaching in the Eastern Roman Empire. Emperor Alexius, the defender of error and deception, used his two-pointed tongue to sing a song of repentance. His second song was of conversion to the faith of the Beloved of God, aimed to Basil’s heart like an archer hunting for prey. Basil, in the mist of innocence, went to the palace following the piercing light of his eagerness from his divine spirit. Basil and his friends were welcomed gently by the guards who wore iron helmets, some helmets hiding dogs’ snarls while others hiding grins. Basil and his friends heard the voice of the siren emperor sitting on his throne of fish bone. Basil with his friends announced “We heard your songs inspired by the holy spirit, who has called us to answer your lamenting songs. In order for you and your subjects to make greater psalms aimed towards the one king sitting in the heavenly realm in holiness.” As they will all soon know, the emperor had no interest in their faith or in the God of truth, but rather in vindicating them. The siren emperor wanted to either turn them to his darkness of the deep oceans or to his lions made of bright fire. The siren emperor questioned them about their faith and practices in sweet eloquence and false humility, waiting to pounce. The siren emperor had one of his secretaries hidden behind green curtains of seaweed, to transcribe what Basil spoke about. In order for the emperor and his subject to catch Basil and his friends in their words and try them to get their church’s favour. As the sun was fading and the night being reborn in the sea high above, a full confession had finally been completed. The tired emperor with his eyes hanging on determination, ordered the curtains to be flung open, unveiling the trap. His secretary was unveiled with the confession now in full documentation which for holy Basil was a painful slap. Basil and the friends of light were captured in the jaws of the liar and deceiver, Judas as emperor of their worldly fate. The God of Truth’s very nature is truth and to speak the truth, so any liar and deceiver is not of the nature of God. But rather the so-called god Saklas, the father of lies and of all liars and deceivers, the maker of this Earth and of hate. The year was eleven-eleven after the birth of Jesus, this year was when Basil was arrested in the eleventh hour. Eight or nine years passed, and the fire within the emperor finally grew to the extent that cannot stored in any tower. So, the emperor gathered crowds of peasants and nobility with archons secretly watching, around a gigantic pyre. Basil was brought alone with only invisible angels at his left and right sides, to choose how to die and escape the liar. The two boats to freedom were to renounce the faith of light leaving him in spiritual death, or to be fed to lions of hungry fire. The first boat of death was in the form of the dreadful cross that killed Jesus, for the archons wanted to mock Jesus and his servants. Basil, not succumbing to the temptation of complying to the mockery of the archons, wished to be thrown into the lions of fire. As the guards he met while entering the palace got ready to throw him to be consumed by flames, Basil announced “Peace to all here. We the preachers of truth have done no harm to man or creature, yet we are charged with crime through deception from the siren’s lying lips. Some of my friends chose your cross of wood to stay alive, while my true friends in their bravery chose the kingdom that has no end. I pray that Jesus Christ will show you the light of his mercy, for you do not know what you are doing while in the world’s pitch darkness.” Basil the Bogomil was thrown down and died.

Copyright © David Hyatt-Bickle | Year Posted 2022

Details | David Hyatt-Bickle Poem

Crucifixion of Jesus of Sabaoth

By your red scars you crucified the moving stars
By your thorns you crucified the entire world
By your dolour you crucified the world-ruler

Jesus cried loudly “Why have you forsaken me”

Through your bloodiness you destroyed our drunkenness
Through your painfulness you restored all the fullness
Through your blood drainage you became unmixed knowledge

Jesus cried loudly “Why have you forsaken me”

You were nailed on a crucifix to heal the sick
You were nailed on a cross to retrieve what was lost
You were nailed on a tree for all to see

Jesus cried loudly “Why have you forsaken me”

Through elevation you cured the sin of wisdom
Through rising to the blue you caught and killed the brute
Through elevation you went into fruition 

Christ at the near end calmly said “It is finished”

Copyright © David Hyatt-Bickle | Year Posted 2020

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Child From the Christmas Star

An eight-pointed star 
Shone in the night in summer 
He came from above 
Not belonging to the stars 
Stranger to them all 
Is above the zodiac 
Plundering its fate 
He is from the pure greatness 
A door to the heavens 
Sophia prepared the flesh 
For she had regret 
Sabaoth sent his great light 
For he was wrathful 
Barbelo sent her power 
For she had wisdom 
Jesus the man sent himself  
For he had mercy 
He was laid in a manger 
No room in the inn 
The world hated him so much  
For it was darkness 
And he blinded it with light 
News reached the dead king  
His hair was a lion’s mare  
His body a snake 
His eyes were bright lightning bolts 
Ruler of darkness 
His mother rejected him 
As a bad disgrace 
He summoned all the magi 
The wise foreigners  
Followers of the fire 
To find this small child 
As the Magi were dispatched 
He thought to himself 
“What is the power of him 
Who was born this night 
Who is higher than we are? 
A drop from heaven? 
Whom dragons brought to a cave? 
Where a child was born?” 
Those magi sailed the bright sand 
Ignoring the cold 
The star became a lighthouse 
Which led to the child 
And to shepherds in pure white 
They gave three blessed gifts 
Gold and frankincense and myrrh 
As the king waited 
In silence and solitude 
He realized something 
Filled with jealousy and wrath 
He ordered his slaves 
“Extinguish this divine light 
Do what is needed!” 
An angel from the great star 
Told the glad Joseph 
“Flee to the land of Egypt 
With your wife and son 
To escape the flood of death 
To escape the plague 
The hot fire and sulphur 
That killed the mature 
And now will murder the young” 
And so the parents 
Carrying the eternal 
Fled to the bare land  
All the little were murdered 
Rivers of blood flowed 
Loud cries of pain and mourning 
Flowed out their mouths 
With the king in vain glory 
Saying “I am God 
There is no other but me!” 
The sands of time fell 
And so, Mary and Joseph 
Returned with Jesus 
The baby pronounced three words 
Whom none can utter 
Lest they be killed by cold stones 
With knowledge we say 
“Out of a pure foreign air 
The light bringer came 
Those ones he chose for himself 
He turned them to stars 
To shine in the pleroma 
The kingdom of light 
Which the only door to it  
Being the eight-pointed star.”

Copyright © David Hyatt-Bickle | Year Posted 2021


Book: Reflection on the Important Things