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Fernando Pessoa Poems

A collection of select Fernando Pessoa famous poems that were written by Fernando Pessoa or written about the poet by other famous poets. PoetrySoup is a comprehensive educational resource of the greatest poems and poets on history.

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by Pessoa, Fernando
As a bad orator, badly o'er-book-skilled,

Doth overflow his purpose with made heat,

And, like a clock, winds with withoutness willed

What should have been an inner instinct's feat;

Or as a prose-wit, harshly poet turned,

Lacking the subtler music in his measure,

With useless care labours but to be spurned,

Courting in alien speech the Muse's pleasure;

I study how to love or how to hate,

Estranged by...Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
As to a child, I talked my heart asleep

With empty promise of the coming day,

And it slept rather for my words made sleep

Than from a thought of what their sense did say.

For did it care for sense, would it not wake

And question closer to the morrow's pleasure?

Would it not edge nearer my words, to take

The promise in the meting of...Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
The poet is a faker.
Pretends so completely
That comes to pretend that is pain 
The pain that he really feels.

And those who read what he writes,
In the pain read they feel right ,
Not the two that he had,
But only the one which they have not.

And so on the wheel rails
It spins to entertain the reason,
This train of rope
Called heart....Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
Beauty and love let no one separate,

Whom exact Nature did to each other fit,

Giving to Beauty love as finishing fate

And to Love beauty as true colour of it.

Let he but friend be who the soul finds fair,

But let none love outside the body's thought,

So the seen couple's togetherness shall bear

Truth to the beauty each in the other sought.

I could but...Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
He that goes back does, since he goes, advance,

Though he doth not advance who goeth back,

And he that seeks, though he on nothing chance,

May still by words be said to find a lack.

This paradox of having, that is nought

In the world's meaning of the things it screens,

Is yet true of the substance of pure thought

And there means something by the...Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
How can I think, or edge my thoughts to action,

When the miserly press of each day's need

Aches to a narrowness of spilled distraction

My soul appalled at the world's work's time-greed?

How can I pause my thoughts upon the task

My soul was born to think that it must do

When every moment has a thought to ask

To fit the immediate craving of its...Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
How many masks wear we, and undermasks,

Upon our countenance of soul, and when,

If for self-sport the soul itself unmasks,

Knows it the last mask off and the face plain?

The true mask feels no inside to the mask

But looks out of the mask by co-masked eyes.

Whatever consciousness begins the task

The task's accepted use to sleepness ties.

Like a child frighted by its mirrored...Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
I am older than Nature and her Time

By all the timeless age of Consciousness,

And my adult oblivion of the clime

Where I was born makes me not countryless.

Ay, and dim through my daylight thoughts escape

Yearnings for that land where my childhood dreamed,

Which I cannot recall in colour or shape

But haunts my hours like something that hath gleamed

And yet is not as...Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
I could not think of thee as piecèd rot,

Yet such thou wert, for thou hadst been long dead;

Yet thou liv'dst entire in my seeing thought

And what thou wert in me had never fled.

Nay, I had fixed the moments of thy beauty--

Thy ebbing smile, thy kiss's readiness,

And memory had taught my heart the duty

To know thee ever at that deathlessness.

But when...Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
Like to a ship that storms urge on its course,

By its own trials our soul is surer made.

The very things that make the voyage worse

Do make it better; its peril is its aid.

And, as the storm drives from the storm, our heart

Within the peril disimperilled grows;

A port is near the more from port we part--

The port whereto our driven direction...Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
My love, and not I, is the egoist.

My love for thee loves itself more than thee;

Ay, more than me, in whom it doth exist,

And makes me live that it may feed on me.

In the country of bridges the bridge is

More real than the shores it doth unsever;

So in our world, all of Relation, this

Is true--that truer is Love than either...Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
My weary life, that lives unsatisfied

On the foiled off-brink of being e'er but this,

To whom the power to will hath been denied

And the will to renounce doth also miss;

My sated life, with having nothing sated,

In the motion of moving poisèd aye,

Within its dreams from its own dreams abated--

This life let the Gods change or take away.

For this endless succession of...Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
To be great, be whole: nothing
Yours exaggerate nor delete.

Be whole  at everything. Be yourself
at the little things you do.

So that in each lake the whole moon
Shines because high it lives....Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
Oh to be idle loving idleness!

But I am idle all in hate of me;

Ever in action's dream, in the false stress

Of purposed action never set to be.

Like a fierce beast self-penned in a bait-lair,

My will to act binds with excess my action,

Not-acting coils the thought with raged despair,

And acting rage doth paint despair distraction.

Like someone sinking in a treacherous sand,

Each...Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
 Para ser grande, sê inteiro: nada
 Teu exagera ou exclui.
Sê todo em cada coisa. Põe quanto és
 No mínimo que fazes.
Assim em cada lago a lua toda
 Brilha, porque alta vive....Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
Oh salted sea, how much of your salt
Are tears of Portugal!
For crossing you, how many mothers wept,
How many children prayed in vain!

How many brides remained unmarried
For you to be ours, Oh sea!
Was it worth it? everything is worthwhile
If the soul is not small.

The ones who want to go beyond Boyador
Have to go beyond pain.
God overboard danger and the abyss gave
But...Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
Thy words are torture to me, that scarce grieve thee--

That entire death shall null my entire thought;

And I feel torture, not that I believe thee,

But that I cannot disbelieve thee not.

Shall that of me that now contains the stars

Be by the very contained stars survived?

Thus were Fate all unjust. Yet what truth bars

An all unjust Fate's truth from being believed?

Conjecture...Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
We are in Fate and Fate's and do but lack

Outness from soul to know ourselves its dwelling,

And do but compel Fate aside or back

By Fate's own immanence in the compelling.

We are too far in us from outward truth

To know how much we are not what we are,

And live but in the heat of error's youth,

Yet young enough its acting youth...Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
When I have sense of what to sense appears,

Sense is sense ere 'tis mine or mine in me is.

When I hear, Hearing, ere I do hear, hears.

When I see, before me abstract Seeing sees.

I am part Soul part I in all I touch--

Soul by that part I hold in common with all,

And I the spoiled part, that doth make sense...Read more of this...

by Pessoa, Fernando
When in the widening circle of rebirth

To a new flesh my travelled soul shall come,

And try again the unremembered earth

With the old sadness for the immortal home,

Shall I revisit these same differing fields

And cull the old new flowers with the same sense,

That some small breath of foiled remembrance yields,

Of more age than my days in this pretence?

Shall I again regret...Read more of this...

Book: Shattered Sighs